First Day at Visions

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Miles Morales woke up one morning. He had barely gotten sleep because of the nightmares he has been having. To make things worst, he has to start school today. That means Flynn McAlan would start messing with him again. Last time Flynn messed with him, Miles was still 10. But, now he knew how to deal with bullies like Flynn. Anyway, Miles got up and went to his closet, when the door flew open.

"Good morning, my little jalapeno!" Rio Morales yelled cheerfully yelled.

"Mom, I'm not 10 anymore. You know I don't like to be called that."

"I'm sorry, mijo. It's your first day of 10th grade, and I am super excited for you. It's been five years since you have been to school." Rio says.

"Can you leave now? I'm in my underwear."

"Sorry. You look adorable." Rio compliments.

"Were you at me?" Miles asked, covering his chest.

"Miles, I changed your diapers. Stop being childish." Rio says, walking out.

"Right." Miles said, putting his clothes on. After he got dressed, he went downstairs to get himself breakfast. At the table, he saw a blonde girl.

"Julie. How did you get in?" Miles asked sitting down by her.

"Your mom let me in." She says, pressing the power button on the remote, and nearly breaking it.

"Chill, are you going to buy us a new remote?" Miles asked Julie.

"I would've." she said taking a bite out of cereal.

"It has been a month since the death of police officer Jefferson Morales, and there is still no sign of the Hobgoblin. Witnesses say there was a vigilante looking for Hobgoblin." The news reporter went on.

"Why in the world does he wore that suit? It's a piece of trash." Julie says.

"What if it all he has?" Miles comes in.

"He's Spider-Man. He should have a whole closet of suits." Julie said.

"This is not the spider man we knew before the blip." Miles said.

"Doesn't matter. Still should have been a better suit." Julie said.

"Alright. It's about time for you guys to get to school." Rio says, walking out the door."Alright. Here we go."

"Don't worry about us, Ms. Morales. We will be fine." Julie says, dragging Miles away. Once they got outside, they stayred heading to school.

"You have your suit, right?" Julie whispered.

"Yeah. I honestly need a new one." Miles said.

"Maybe Tony Stark can help you." Julie suggested.

"Yeah. I'll ask him eventually." Miles says, as they walked over to the front door of Ganke Lee's house. The door opened and Ganke came out.

"Julie and Miles. Good to see you." She says as they continue their adventure to school.

"Who do you think Flynn is going to pick off first?" Miles asked, entering the school.

"I don't know, let's see what Flynn what's he want to do." A blonde boy says, grabbing Miles by the shirt.

"Let me go." Miles says, pushing Flynn away from him.

"Chill out. It's the first day." Ganke said, separating them.

"Some people like a little first day chaos." Julie said, once again dragging Miles away, this time to get their schedules.

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