Kinglsey finds out

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Miles woke up early the next morning. His mom was still asleep, but he still did his morning routine. He left a note for him mom to read. After that, he began his walk to school. While he was walking, Riri caught up with him.

"Hey, did your Mom ground you for the party last night?" She asked.

"No. She was going to, but after explaining why I threw the party, she let me go." Miles said.

"Wow. I wish that would happen with me. So, what school you going to?"

"Visions. You?"

"Queen Northside High School."

"Funny how we both go to private schools." Riri laughed.

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Once they crosswalk, they went their sperate ways

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Once they crosswalk, they went their sperate ways. So, Miles decides to take a swing to kill some time.

In the middle of his swing, his suit got a notification that the subway train was stuck

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In the middle of his swing, his suit got a notification that the subway train was stuck. So, Miles went to go look at the problem. When he got there, he noticed his teacher, Mr. Kinglsey.

"Alright, what seems to be the issue?" Miles asked Mr. Kinglsey.

"The subway car is not moving. You should go talk to the conductor about that." He suggests. He noticed how Spider-Man seemed to act, and sound like his student, Miles Morales. That's when he started having his suspicions.

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