Another battle of New York?

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Riri and Steve head outside to see what was the explosion about. When they got out there, they saw the Rhino causing destruction.

"Suit up." Steve told Riri. She did so, and both of them went off to fight the Rhino.

*Riri walking over to the Rhino*

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*Riri walking over to the Rhino*

*Riri walking over to the Rhino*

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*Captain America behind her*

"I see your tiny spider friend isn't around." Rhino gloated.

"I see your supervillain friends aren't around, either." Riri shot back.

"I never said they weren't around. " Rhino growled. MODOK landed by Rhino. Tinkerer and Prowler join in. Agatha and Hobgoblin also come along.

"They arrested you." Riri said, pointing at Hobgoblin.

"Think again, sweetheart. " Hobgoblin cackled, gliding around her.

"Alright, kid. I know this isn't how you planned to spend your day, but we don't have a choice. So, it's either we fight and lose, and not even try, and still lose. " Cap said.

"You can't win if there is only two of you. "Nat says, joining them. T'Challa, also joins them.

"Avengers! Assemble! " Captain America yelled. The team of heroes ran over to the villains, and whichever villains weren't occupied, would be causing destruction. Like, Agatha and MODOK.

"Doesn't anything slow that son a bitch down." Cap yelled, yeeting his shield at the Rhino.

"LANGUAGE!" Nat yelled at Cap. She was fighting the Tinkerer. Tinkerer made a shield to hit Nat with. But, Nat used a car door to block it.

"Hmmm. Let me try something." Riri said. She blasted Rhino while he was running. Sure enough, he fell. Then, she used her super strength to throw him into the back of a trailer. After she did so, she used a semi truck to barricade it.

"Nice job, kid." Nat compliments.


A purple mist started covering the sky, and sorrounded them. It also prevented them from seeing.

"Riri! Are you okay?" Cap asked her.

"I can't see!" She shouted.

"Don't worry, dear. It'll be over soon." Agatha says evilly.

"I know you're doing this, Harkness!" Cap yelled.

"Catch me if you can, Rogers. " She gloated. Steve looked to the side, and saw Peggy Carter standing there.

"Captain. We must find a way out of here." T'Challa said. But,Steve's eyes were on Peggy instead.

"Steve. I missed you so much dear." She said, walking towards him. He was in a trance. But, luckily, he heard the voice of King T'Challa yelling at him.

"Captain. It a trap!" T'Challa yelled. Cap snapped out of his trance, and got hit by MODOK.

"Cap! You okay?" Nat asked, helping her friend up.

"Nat, I just... Zoned out." He said.

"Let's talk about this later. We have some ass to kick." Nat smirked. Riri was fighting Hobgoblin and Prowler.

"So, why do they call you the Prowler?" Riri asked,pinning him to the ground. He tripped her, then dug his claws in the eyes of the suit. But, it triggered the eyelasers, which caused Prowler to back up. Riri also threw a punch at Hobgoblin. His helmet dented, then T'Challa slammed him to the ground. His fist released a small machine gun, and it started shooting Hobgoblin. But,he lifted him and threw him.

"Hey, Agatha!" Riri yelled. She turned her attention to the girl in the iron suit. Riri blasted her, but Agatha used her powers to hold the blast in.

"Made you look." Riri smirked. Agatha turned around, Cap's shield coming her way. It hit her, and knocked her down. But, that didn't stop her from bringing down an building on the heroes.  But, the heroes managed to save everyone from thier demise.

"Every good?" Riri asked.


"Follow me. I'll get you somewhere safe." While Riri got the pedestrians to safety, she received a call from Miles. "miles? What's up?" She asked.

"What's going on? You're okay?" Miles asked, slightly panicked.

"I am. But, it's New York that's not. We need your help. Bring Peter,too." She said.

"Gotcha." Miles said, hanging up.

"What's wrong?" Peter asked.

"New York needs our help."

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