MF(Miles Vs Flynn)

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"So, what are we waiting for?" Miles asked.

"I think I'm waiting on my parents to fall asleep. Their night owls. Ganke said. Wait, they are asleep. See you in a few, Jules."
Miles changed into one of his new suits.

"Alright, guys. Ready." Miles said, instantly swinging.

"Head to Fisk Tower." Julie started.

"That's where it's at?" Miles asked.

"Yeah. That's what our coordinates say." Ganke said.

"Alright. Fisk Tower it is." Miles declared.

**Fisk Tower**

"So, what's the plan?" Hobgoblin asked Fisk.

"While the trucks are shipping the weapons to the other side of New York, you'll be keeping track of them. And, making sure Spider-Man doesn't get involved." Fisk stated.

"Yes. Sir. I won't let you down." Hobgoblin said, flying off." The trucks began driving, while Hobgoblin followed them.

"Miles, Hobgoblin's coordinates are changing." Ganke informed him.

"Okay. Where is he headed now?" Miles asked.

"I think he's headed to the Brooklyn Bridge." Ganke said. Miles headed to the direction of the bridge. But, before that, someone stopped him.

"Pete? What are you doing?" Miles asked.

"I figured if you were going to be stopping The Hobgoblin, you'd need some help." Peter said.

"Thanks. What about Nat and Cap?" Miles asked. They are down there." Peter said. The two used their web wings to glide on top of the trucks.

"Originally, I came through here to fight Hobgoblin, but where are these trucks going?" Miles asked, looking around.

"I don't know. They could have something dangerous in them." Peter responded.

"Queens, got any idea what's in the truck?" Cap asked Peter.

"No idea. Should we check it out?" Peter asked.

"Sure. Be careful." Cap instructed. Peter went to the back of the truck in front of him. He pulled of the door, and crates with Fisk logo on them.

"Looks like I have to open this thing up." Peter said. That's when Hobgoblin landed behind him. 

"Get out!" Hissed the villain. So, Peter fired a web at him, which Hobgoblin pulled it, and it made Peter slam into the truck behind him.

"What the hell?" Peter yelled. The Hobgoblin punched Peter and caused him fly off the bridge.

"Queens?" Cap said through Peter's earpiece.

"I'm okay, I'm okay!" Peter yelled, catching up to the rest of the team. Miles grabbed Hobgoblin, and threw him off the truck. He jumped on top of him, and punched him. But, Hobgoblin's glider caught up to him, but Miles webbed it to hang on.

"Let go, you filthy arachnid!" Hobgoblin yelled. He used a pumpkin blade to cut it, and Miles fell off.

"Damn it, Kinglsey!" Miles yelled. Hobgoblin got away, but they still had another issue.

"Brook! Lookout!" Cap yelled. Miles instantly backflipped, but that didn't stop an explosion from going off, causing the bridge to split. Cap and Natasha began to evacuate everyone, but Miles had a different plan. He went to the middle, started spinning the webs,  and connecting them. Once they are all connected, he held the bridge together. 

"Everyone, get across! Now!" Miles yelled. The people got across safely, and once they did, Miles passed out. But, Peter took him home.

***The Next Morning***

"Goodbye, Mom." Miles said, heading out, with Jules.

"Who bought me home?"

"Peter did. Then, me and Ganke headed home."

"I don't get it." Hobgoblin is still out there. I just don't know how I'm going to catch him. Barbara joined the two, grabbing Miles' hand.

"Hey, Miles." She greeted. Julie just looked away, but smiling.

"Barbara. Haven't seen you since the party."

"I know. So, are you doing well? Please say yes."

"I am."

"Good, good. Can I ask you a question? Please."

"Sure. Anything."

" So, the school's having a mid year dance. I was wondering if you would like to go with me."

"Give me a moment."

Miles instantly turned to Jules, who was listening to music. But, Miles pulled her headphones out.

" Jules. She asked me to the dance."

" So what? Say yes or no, dumbass."

" Really? What about you?"

"I'll ask Ganke."

Miles turned back to Barbara, who was smiling.

" Yes. I will."

Barbara squealed cheerfully, holding Miles' hand all the way to school. When they got there, the day went fast, up until they were at lunch. Miles was sitting with Julie, who were listening to Barbara's conversation with her friend, Bailey Walker.

"F black widow, kiss the new spider man, kill star lord." Bailey said.

"Good choices but star lord is hot." Barbara declared.

"No, he's not. He's the reason why I am stuck in this hellhole, and fucking Flynn." Bailey replied. " So, how about you?"

" F scarlet witch, kiss black widow and kill hulk."

" Oh, so you're a lesbian?"

" No, girl! I just think they're hot!"

" What kind of perfume do you think Barbara uses?" Miles asked.

" Are you trying to gross me out?" Julie asked.

" No, no. You know what, nevermind."

" What's up, losers?" Laurie joins in.

"If we are losers, them why do you sit with us?" Julie asked.

"Why are you questioning me?" Laurie retorted.

"You never sit by with us." Miles mentioned.

"I wanted to try something new, plus Flynn was bothering me." 

" Has he said anything about me?"

" He's going to destroy you in P. E."

" I'd like to see him try, then."

"Me too."

After lunch, Miles, Jules and Lori headed to the gym. While walking, Flynn slammed Miles into the wall, very quickly.

"Alright, what's your deal, Morales?" He asked.

"What the hell are you talking about, dumbass?" Miles asked, pushing Flynn off off of him.

"Your being all secretive."

"So, it's none of your business. I don't ask you why you take twenty minutes in the restroom, now do I?"

That's when Flynn attempted to punch Miles, but Miles dodged it, and pushed him.

"Sorry, Flynn, I have a life that doesn't involve bothering other people."

Miles and Jules continued their walk to the gym.

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