To the Bridge

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The George Washington Bridge had never been so busy. It was filled with people trying to get to work, people getting home from work, people on their way to a business trip and much more. What they didn't expect was trouble. So, when a pumpkin bomb was thrown under a car and exploded, people were caught off guard.

Hobgoblin cackled, gliding over the chaos. People were trying to escape the danger, but Hobgoblin didn't allow them to. If only Miles could save them. Oh wait... He could. Him and Riri made it to the bridge and instantly started rescuing people.

"Riri, you go save everyone. I'll get Kingsley." Miles said. He swung to his direction and kicked him in the chest, which caused the villain to fly back.

"I've been expecting you, Miles." Hobgoblin said.

"Good. Now, where are they?" Miles demanded.

"If you want them, then you get through me." Hobgoblin hissed, tossing a pumpkin bomb at Miles. He missed and jumped on the villain.

"You ruined my life!" Miles yelled, punching him as many times as he could. The villain slammed him into the bridge and pulled out a pumpkin blade. But, Miles webbed it out of his hand and kicked him back.

"Stay back, Goblin Face." Miles quipped, webbing him and then kicking him in the face. Hobgoblin fell and skidded across the bridge. Miles pulled him with his webs and kicked him, sending Hobgoblin flying into a car.

"Now. To find Mom and my friends." Miles said to himself. Miles quickly swung to another part of the bridge, and landed on top of a van.

"I know you guys are here." Miles said. He turned his head, and saw a familiar face in a car window.

"Bingo!" Miles yelled, swinging to the car. Then, he pulled the car door off.

"Ganke. Dude, so glad to see you." Miles said.

"Miles! You came, bro!" Ganke responded. He hugged Miles.

"Where is Mom, Barbara and Julie?"

"Back there."

"Okay, good. You, stay here bro. I'll go find them." Miles said. With that, Miles continue his search.

In the meantime, Riri was still trying to get people out of the way, but was interrupted by an angry Hobgoblin.

"Oh, boy." Riri said nervously. He started firing bullets at her, but Riri was missing every shot. On top of that, Riri landed a punch on Hobgoblin and kicked him down, but Hobgoblin flipped  her over.

"Your over!" Hobgoblin said, pulling out a firery sword. But, Captain America's shield hit it.

"Don't you lay a finger on that young lady." Cap said, running towards his direction.

"Great Hobgoblin hissed in anger." Cap kicked the villain and kicked him across the bridge.

"You haven't won yet, Captain! "Hobgoblin hissed.

On the other side of the bridge, Miles was still trying to find Barbara, Julie and his mom. He had been looking in a van, and decided to move on.

"Gotta be around here somewhere. " Miles mumbled, crawling out of the van. He stood up, and saw a car flying at his direction. He caught the car, and landed on his feet.

"Now, what in the-Miles!"

Miles was interrupted by Barbara yelling out his name. She was tied to the pole of a sign, along with Rio and Julie.

"Guys, I'm so glad you're here." Miles said.

"Me too. Now, let me get out out of here and I'll go get Ganke." Miles said.  He untied them and they landed safely on the ground.

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