The Sneak Out

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It was 10:54 PM, and Miles Morales was supposed to be in his bed, asleep. But, he wasn't. Instead, he was outside, on the phone with Ganke and Julie. He was on his way to the Avengers Compound, so he could get the tech he needed for his suit. While he was walking, someone saw him on the phone.

"Who is that?" She whispered to herself. She. Got up, put her shoes on, grabbed her backpack, and crawled out her window. When she got out, she could see Miles' dark figure. So, she followed it.

"What is he doing?" She wondered. That's when Miles stoped working, and turned around.

"Who is there?" Miles shouted.

"No one." The girl replied.

"I hear your voice. I'm not dumb." Miles said.

"I know. I just want to know what are you doing?it's like really dark out here, and you easily could get kidnapped.

"I am aware of that. Miles replied. Which is why I called two of my friends."

"Who's this?" Ganke asked.

"I don't know her. She just started talking to me." Miles answered.

"Do you know why?" Julie joins in.

"No. But, I'm glad you three are here." Miles said.

"Who are you guys?" The girl asked.

"I'm Miles. This is Ganke and Julie." Miles informed her.

"I'm Riri." The girl said.

"Aren't you going to show yourself?" Miles asked.

"Right. Coming." She said, walking to their direction.

"Question:Why were you following me?" Miles asked.

"I saw you outside, and I thought you were doing something suspicious. So, I followed you." Riri informed.

Well I'm not. We're just... Miles' voice drifted off, as for he was trying to think of an excuse to tell Riri.

"We were going for a walk." Julie said.

"Yeah. Exercise is good for the body." Ganke said.

"Who goes for a walk at 11:01 at night?" Riri asked, looking at her watch.

"We do. Obviously." Miles answered.

"I don't believe you three. What are you really doing?" Riri asked them again.

"Wait, why should we be telling you this? You're not our moms." Ganke asked the curly haired girl.

"I like to stop people from doing stupid stuff. I felt like this is what Milo-

"Miles." Julie interrupted

"Miles was going to do." Riri finished.

"Trust me. I'll be safe." Miles assures her.

"Okay. I'll walk with you guys." Riri confirms.

"No. We're good." Ganke rejects.

"What if you need help with something?" Riri asked.

"You don't even know where we are going." Julie yelled.

"So? I can still help out." Riri defended.

"Okay. Let's go." Miles says, as a black SUV pulled up beside them. A man in a bullet proof vest, came out.

"Put your hands behind your back! All of you!" He yelled. He dragged Miles.

"Let go of him!" Riri yelled." She took of her backpack, pressed a button on it, and an iron arm formed. She aimed it at the man holding Miles.

"I'm warning you?" She growled. Miles balled up his fist and charged his bioelectricity. Then, he punched the man, which paralyzed him, then made him fall. Then, more men came out the SUV.

"Do you guys know how to fight?" Miles asked his friends, including Riri.

"Yes." They said in unison.

"Good. I think that's what we are going to have to do here shortly."

Once the men came within thier radiance, Miles webbed them, pulled the web, then kicked the one in front. He backflipped. Riri used her iron arm to knock out the men who attacked her. Ganke and Julie? They helped each other, with the same guy. Once all the guys were down, they all ran into a nearby restaurant that was getting ready to close.

"Oh my god. That was close." Riri panted.

"Who the heck are those people?" Julie asked.

"Fisk's guys. He must know that I'm the new spider man." Miles informed.

"You're the new Spider-Man?" Riri asked, surprised.

"Yes. I'm going to the Avengers compound to find some technology to make a new suit." Miles said.

"I'll help you. I made this iron suit all by myself. With Stark Tech, of course." Riri declares.

"Okay. The original Spider-Man said he would bring me a suit. But, it'll be after he gets back from his Eurocation." Miles said.

"What does Eurocation mean?" Ganke asked.

"I think it's a combination between europe and vacation." Ganke said.

"It is. The suit I have now is just crap." Miles said.

"With what I have in my garage, you won't need Stark Tech." Riri told miles.

"Really?" Miles exclaimed standing up.

"Yeah. Come by at 4:30 tomorrow. I'll help you out."

"Alright good. Thanks." Miles said.

"We need to get home, though." Miles said.

"Yeah. See you guys tomorrow?" Julie asked.

"Yeah." Miles.

"By the way, where is your house?" Miles asked Riri.

"By some red, white, and blue house." She answered.

"My house? Okay, I don't even need to worry about long walks." Miles thought.

"Alright, see you tomorrow." Miles said. The four teens went their separate ways for the night.

**Hobgoblin and Kingpin**

"I can't believe it. Spider-Man is one of my students. I'll warn him to stay out of our way." Hobgoblin said to Fisk.

"You have a backup plan, right? Just in case he becomes ignorant." Fisk demanded.

"Not yet, boss. But, I'll think of one." Hobgoblin answered.

"Good. Good. Now, let's work on getting New York to be ours." Fisk requested.

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