The Home Search

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Miles was about to head for the exit of the lair, when he was stopped by an unexpected someone.

"Let's finish our little affair, with tiny spider." Rhino roared.

"Alright, first that sounds wrong. Let's start there. Secondly, I knocked you out once. You sure you want to do it again?" Miles asked.

"I'll make sure that doesn't happen again." Rhino said, running at miles. He backflipped, and webbed his neck.

"Hang on, tiny spider!" Rhino yelled. Miles pulled as hard as could, but it certainly was not hard enough. During the wild ride, he got a call from his mom again.

"Mija, why aren't you at home yet?" Rio asked.

"I'm at Julie's place. Sorry I didn't text." Miles said.

"Miles. I appreciate you apologizing, but you need to text me. I was worried." She said.

"Okay. I will. Té amo."

"Tàmbien té amo." She replied.

"I really need help. Miles yelled. Rhino stopped, which caused Miles to fly off of his back. Miles then landed in an electrical grid.

"I'm going to crush you like the bug you are." The villain yelled.

"Spiders aren't technically bugs. There arachnids." Miles said to the villain. Rhino ran at him, and slammed Miles into the wall. When Miles fell off the wall, Rhino punched him.

"Time to die, little spider." Rhino growled.

Miles tried to move, but he was so hurt, he couldn't. The best Miles could do was let out a groan. Right when Rhino was about to punch him again, he was stopped by someone. He wore red and gold armor, that was used to stop the hulk back in 2015.

"Alright. I'm going to get this kid home." The stranger said.

**Morales residence**

"Is he going to be okay?" Miles heard a familiar voice asked. It was his mother.

"He'll be fine. He just needs to stay off of his feet." A man responded.

"Okay. Thank you sir." She said.

"No problem."

The woman went to Miles' room.

"Miles. You're awake. You're okay, right?"

"Yes. I am."

"That was Tony Stark. He told me you were the new Spider-Man."

"He's not wrong. I know what you're thinking. It's too dangerous. But, I feel like it's my responsibility to protect this city. Just like it was my dad's. He is the one that told me with great power comes great responsibility. I'll always live by those words." Miles told his mom. Rio was at a loss for words. She had never heard Miles said anything like that.

"Miles. That is the most beautiful thing you ever said." Rio said, trying to hold back tears.

"The original Spider-Man also told me that. But, it was more inspirational from dad." Miles said.

"Okay. You need stay off of your feet. So, anything you need, I'll bring you. Spider-Man."

"I'm still Miles Morales. But, cool." Miles said, webbing his laptop. He opened it and logged in. Then, he looked up Hobgoblin.

"Can you call Ganke and Julie? I'm going to need help." Miles requested.

"Sure then, mijo."

**12 minutes later**

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