The Escape

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**at the Miles' party**

"Where is Miles?" Ganke asked Julie.

"I don't know. Isn't he outside with Barbara?" Ganke responded.

"He's gone." Barbara told them.

"Where did he go?" Ganke asked.

"That, i don't know."

"So, our friend went missing and we don't know where he went. Doesn't that sound just great." Julie said, sarcastically.

"Julie, come here." Ganke said, taking her to a less crowded area of Miles' living room.

"Yeah, what's up? You know how we could save Miles?"

"No. But, i think I do know where he could be taken to."


"As we made Miles suit, Riri put a tracker on it. If I could get into it, I could find out where he is."

"You know I can here you two, right?" Barbara cuts in.

"You did?" Ganke asked, getting nervous.

"Yeah. I already know he is you know who, so do not freak out. Please." She said.

"How'd you find out?" Julie asked, getting suspicious.

"I saw him leave, so I followed the guy and saw his suit." Barbara explained.

"Okay, we totally need a plan." Ganke said.

"First, we call Riri." Julie declared.

**Williams Residence**

Riri was in her garage, working on a new suit. She had spent weeks working on it. She was almost done with it. Soon, she could take it for a test flight.

"Almost done." She thought to herself. While she was doing her test flight, she was hoping Iron Man would see her in the air. Then, from there she could become an Avenger. That was her main goal. And, she was close to achieving it. As she wrapped up the suit construction, Julie, Ganke, and Barbara ran in to her garage.

"Riri, we need your help." Julie yelled to her.

"Okay. First of all, chill out. I'm sure whatever need, can wait after I finish my suit." Riri said.

"The thing is, it can't!" Ganke yelled.

"Lee. Chill out, okay? Have some patience. In fact, you guys could go into my house, and watch Drake and Josh." Riri responded.

" We have no time for early Nickelodeon shows!" Barbara said.

" Okay, chill. I have Disney plus, too." She laughed.

"This is important." Barbara said, trying not to lose her cool.

"Okay. What is so important, that I need to stop working on my suit to see or listen to." Riri asked.

"Miles is in danger! That's what we been trying to freaking tell you!" Julie yelled.

"Oh. I'm so sorry. My suit is done, and  we will be ready to find him. Do you know where is?"

"Fisk Tower." Barbara replied. The curly haired teen went silent for a moment. She didn't expect her night to go from finishing building her suit, to rescuing one of her friends. But, hey that's the way it is.

"I'm in." Riri said, standing up. She pressed a button on her suit, that opened turned it into a backpack

**Fisk Tower**

"Very good job, Rodrick. Wilson Fisk told the Hobgoblin. You have captured both spider men and black widow. I will also let Taskmaster know I appreciate him for the capture, too." Fisk let on.

"What about Captain America, Iron Heart and Black Panther? They'll still be a problem." Tinkerer mentions.

"I have just the solution for the problem." Fisk answered.

**Back at Riri's house**

"So how are we going to get to the Fisk Tower?" Ganke asked, slamming himself  down on Riri's crouch. 

"Maybe, Riri could get into her suit and..." I don't know." Julie said.

"One of the Avengers could help us." Barbara suggested.

"Just one question:How are we going to get the Avengers to help us?" Riri asked in a frustrated voice.

"Okay how about this? We just go up to the Fisk Tower, and make a plan along the way." Ganke suggested.

"Good idea. We will take my parents car." Riri declared.

"No. We'll walk." Julie objects.

**On their way**

"Do you think Miles is still alive?" Riri asked randomly.

"What kind of question is that?" Julie asked.

"I'm so worried about him. I don't want anything to happen to him. With that being said, we need to get there faster." Riri confirmed. 

"How? Ganke asked.

**Fisk Tower**

Peter, Natasha, and Miles were being held in the basement of the Fisk Tower.

"How the hell do we get out of here?" Natasha asked, waking up.

"I don't know. He has really good security." Peter replied, also waking up.

"I think I have a plan." Miles smirked. He knocked down a picture, which caught the attention of one of the guards. He came to investigate, then that's when Miles used his venom blast to knock him out. Then, they use the elevator to escape.

**In the elevator**

"How can you do the electric attack, but Parker can't?" Natasha asked.

"I don't know. I guess we got bitten by different spiders." Miles responded, unsure of what was the cause.

"I need to call my friends." Miles said, suddenly remembering them.

"Hello?" Julie said.

"Jules? It's me, Miles. I'm alive and trying to escape Fisk Tower."

"Awesome. I'll tell Riri, Barbara and Ganke we don't have to walk any more."

"Umm okay. See ya!"

The elevator opens, and the guards look at the trio of heroes.

"you know what to do." Nat says.

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