Tinkerering with the Tinkerer

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Miles:You what?

Barbara:You heard right. I. Like. You. And, I want to talk if you like me, too.

Miles:Yes. I do, actually. I just don't want to tell anyone.


Barbara got up, and walked over to Miles. Miles instantly started sweating. "calm down." He thought to himself. She cupped her hands around his cheeks, as his spider sense went off.

"Barbara. I have to go." Miles said, rushing back to the inside of the house. He went over to Peter, who was having a few drinks with Flynn.

"Peter. You come through as Spider-Man. I have to go." He said.

"Where are you going?" Peter asked, as Miles ran off. Little did he know, Barbara actually followed him. She went around his balcony to his front porch and saw him maskless, about to take off.


"It's not what you think."

"You sure? Because I THINK your Spider-Man."

"Okay. It is. I need to go."

"You shake off the girl of your dreams, for some supervillain?"

"Someone needs to protect the city, Barbara."

"You're right. I'm sorry. I'll keep this a secret. You go get em."

Miles glided across the city, to the Brooklyn Bridge, where there was trucks with the words Stark Industries written on the side.

"Stark. What did you do?" Miles muttered, when he was kicked by a certain someone.

"I've been waiting to meet you, Spider-Man." The person said.

"You too. I guess. What do you want with Stark?"

"We just want to talk to the man."

"Here. I'll send you a message for him."

Miles webbed the person, and kicked her in the chest. She flew back, landing on her feet.

"So, I'm assuming Hobgoblin sent you here."

"So, you do know Hobgoblin?"

"Fought him a few times."

The villain pulled out a sword, and swung at Miles with it. He missed it, but he was hit by a shield, with an orange symbol on it.

"Shit. Taskmaster is back." Miles groaned. He ran over to him, but a pumpkin bomb stopped him. Be flew back, and received a punch from Tinkerer, then another one from Hobgoblin.

**Meanwhile, at the Party**

Peter had came in as Spider-Man to greet everyone, when he got a call from Natasha.

"Black Widow, what's up?" He asked.

"It's Miles. He needs our help." Natasha said.

"Okay. Where is he?"

"Brooklyn Bridge."

"Okay, I'll be there soon."

**Back at Brooklyn Bridge**

Miles backflipped, but Hobgoblin kicked him, then Hobgoblin slammed him onto a car. Miles got up, and dodged Taskmaster's shield. While at it, Miles webbed Taskmaster and Hobgoblin together, but it didn't last long.

"Damn. I'm going to need some serious help." Miles shouted, holding the sword Tinkerer attempted to impale him with.

"Too slow!" He quipped. Hobgoblin tried to punch him, but he webbed his hand on the truck, then kicked him. Miles turned around, and got kicked down by Taskmaster. He lifted his shield, but a web that wasn't spun by miles took it.

"I'm not new when it comes to taking shields." Peter says, looking at Taskmaster.

"Peter! Look out!" Miles yelled. Peter turned around, and saw a pumpkin bomb coming to his direction. But, once again, Captain America's red, white, and blue shield saving him from the explosion.

"Why do I keep saving you?" He asked.

"Let's talk about that, later." Natasha said. Black Panther went straight for Hobgoblin, who was on his glider.

"Cat's got your tongue?" He hissed. But, that didn't stop T'Challa from jumping onto glider, and kicking him right off the glider. Then, he threw the glider at a nearby truck.

"No! He yelled. I swear I will rain death upon you!", He said, running at him. Peter and Natasha were fighting Taskmaster.

"So, are you like Hawkeye and Black Panther rolled into one?" Peter asked. He webbed Taskmaster's bow, then pulled it out of his hand. Then, Natasha kicked him and pulled his sword out of his sheath. Next, Peter shot a web gernade, but after it exploded, Taskmaster escaped, thanks to his claws.

"Oh, come on. What can't stop you?" Peter yelled, leaping over him.

"I wish I could answer that question." Natasha said, tripping Taskmaster.

Tinkerer punched Miles with her gauntlet, and Miles went back. Then, she put her foot on her chest.

"I'm going to put you in the dirt." Tinkerer growled, pinning him to the ground.  Taskmaster recovered his bow and arrow and tranquilized Peter and Natasha. Hobgoblin threw a pumpkin bomb at T'Challa and Steve, slowing them down. When the smoke cleared out, Peter, Miles, and Natasha were gone.

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