The Bugle

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Barbara came over to Miles' house so, they could discuss their plan to expose The Hobgoblin. He had a digital illusion on his laptop, so all they had to do was print it.

"So, gotta printer?" Barbara asked, looking at the well taken picture of Miles' foe. She had been ready to print it out for days.

"No. But, Jules has one." Miles said.

"Cool. We'll just go over her house." Barbara confirmed.

"No. She is not home. We can't just barge right in."

"Miles, you're staying at the damn house. It's not barging in." Barbara retorted.

"Still not comfortable." Miles argued. Barbara could tell it was gonna take a lot to convince him. But, she was willing to give it a shot. Even if it meant going off on him.

"Miles. Gonzalo. Morales. Bring your ass. We are going to Julie's to print this shit out. The only way to put Hobgoblin away."

"I'll just call Jules."

Barbara grabbed Miles' phone, and threw it. Then she reached into his pocket and pulled out the house key the Jules mother gave him.

"She gave you this key for a reason, dumbass. Now, let's go." Barbara ordered. The two got into Barbara's car.

Once the car started, they began their drive to Jule's house. It was pretty quiet for the most part. But, that changed when Miles turned the radio on, and a Post Malone song played.

"Change it." Barbara said.

"No." Miles responded, leaning back.

"Look bitch. It's my car. So, change the damn car, or I will drop you off on the side of the road. Miles stated at her, and he could tell she wasn't joking. So, he changed it, and Taylor Swift song played.

"Keep it right here." She said. Miles put his hand on his head, and looked at her.

"Is there an issue?" She asked.

"No." Miles lied. But, on the inside, they was a disturbance in her taste in music.

"Turn right there. It is a short cut. I know because I swung over there before." Miles said. Barbara did so and that's how they made it to Julie's house 5 minutes instead of ten. When they got there, Miles used the key to get in. Once they did, they went to Julie's house. They went straight to the printer, and of course printed the picture out. To be safe, Miles made multiple pictures.

"Alright. All we gotta do now is get to the Daily Bugle."

"You think J. Jonah Jameson will believe us?"

"Come on Barbara. This guy will pay you for anything Spider Man related."

"Are you sure?''


The duo got back into Barbara's car, and it was at that she realized she had no idea where the bugle was. But, Miles did. So, he guided her to the newspaper. When they got there, it was pretty busy.


I need more pictures of that wall crawling menace or your FIRED!" J. Jonah Jameson yelled to Peter. 

"Mr. J, I promise. I won't let you down."

"Hey, Pete."

"Miles? What are you doing here?"

"I'm about to show New York who Hobgoblin is. I got some pictures of him."

"Alright, but I must warn you. Mr. J is hard to work with."

"We will work something out."

"Okay. See you around."

Miles and Barbara went into Jameson's office and put the pictures on his desk.

"We need you to put this on your next newspaper."

"You think you can just walk into my office without presenting yourself!?"

"Right!I'm Miles, and this is Barbara."

"Good. Now, why are you two here? I don't work with kids that are not Peter Parker."

"We need to show you something. The new spider man's rival Hobgoblin, is a guy named right here. My pictures here prove it."

"How do I know these aren't fake?"

"Just trust them."

"Okay. I'll give you... 500 dollars for all of them."

"Done." Barbara agrees. Miles and Jameson shook on it, then he and Barbara headed out.

"How long do we have to wait?" Barbara asked Miles, hoping it would not have to be long.

"Later today." Miles responded.

"Alright, I'm going home. See you at school."

"Wait, Barbara."

"What's up?"

"Could you drive to Julie's?"

"Sure. Come on."

During the car ride to Julie's house, Miles and Barbara didn't say anything for the most part. You'd think they'd be excited after getting help from J. Jonah Jameson. But, what if it went wrong? What if Hobgoblin had some really good lawyers? Miles knew a lawyer himself, but he didn't think it would have to get to that part. When they got to the parking lot, Miles put scattered thoughts to the side.

"Thank you. Not just for the car ride. Or  helping me expose the Hobgoblin, but coming through at the hospital, defending me at school."

"No problem. You saved me from death. Want me to walk you in?"


Miles and Barbara went to Julie's front door and they stopped there, but they didn't know Julie was actually watching them.

"See you tomorrow. I guess."

"Wait... "

Barbara grabbed Miles' arm, and pulled him close. Then, she kissed him, which put a grin on Julie's' face.

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