Underground and Hobgoblin

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Flynn turns to see a short girl, with pink hair calling his name.

"What did we say about picking on guys like Miles?" She asked. Her name was Morgan Anthony.

"Stay out of it, Morgan." He said turning his attention to the shorter girl. Miles used this opportunity to punch Flynn in the chest. Flynn slightly fell back, but still managed to knock down Morgan.

"You're so going to pay." Flynn growled, getting back up.

"Hey on the bright side, at least you'll be the guy in the yearbook that bumped into the shortest person." Miles joked.

"I'll also be known as the guy who went to Juvie for beating up a kid so bad." Flynn shot back.

"Did you know you don't scare me?" Miles says, backing away.

"I guarantee you, you will be scared of me after this." Flynn said. He punched Miles on the eye, then the nose.

"Flynn Daniel McAlan." Called a blonde woman. I know you're not picking fights, with a new students.

"Leave them alone." He said.

"So, why are you messing with Miles? Let's talk about in my office." The woman said, walking Flynn to the principal's office.

"Who's that?" Miles asked, relieved.

"That's the principal." Barbara answered.

"Is she mean? Or is she like, super nice." Miles asked.

"Depends. If you're like Flynn, then yeah." Barbara answered.

"Oh, in that case, me and her should be friends." Miles said, smiling.

"Yeah, he has a thing with blonde girls." Julie said, putting her arm around Miles.

"I see." Barbara said trying to punch his cheek again.

"Barbara. I'm 15, not 10." Miles said leaning back.

"Sorry, it's just that I can't I see you as a ten year old." Barbara cooed.

"Let's get out of here, now." Miles said, walking away. They walked off to thier next class for the day:Physics.

"Miles Morales. Barbara told me about you." The teacher, Mr. Kingsley said to Miles.

"What did she say?" Miles asked.

"She said if you're a genius."

"She definitely is not wrong."

"She also said you were stubborn."

"Kinda true."

"Take a seat."


Miles sat down by a girl, who was trying everything she could to stay awake.

"You okay?" Miles asked her.

"No. We have to stay 46 minutes, in a classroom on full of people we don't know, and take orders from adults. That seems stupid to me." The girl told him.

"I mean, we have to do it." Miles said.

"Not legally." She said.

"Well. I guess I'll be homeschooling my kids. I'm Miles."

"Layla. Now stop talking to me. I don't want to be seen with you."

"Okay. That was kinda bipolar." Miles muttered, turning to the front of the class.

**The end of the day**

"Finally. I can go home and sleep?"miles groaned.

"I'm going to do the same exact thing."  Julie said.

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