Miles Realizes What's Going On

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Miles woke up in his room, with no memory of the previous day.

"Gotta get ready for school." He thought to himself. So, he did his morning routine, packed his suit and headed out the door. When he got to school, expected so see Jules, and the others, but they weren't. Luckily, Riri was there.

"Where is everyone?" Miles asked Riri.

"I don't know, but-

"I see Miles is taking his chance with Riri. Barbara isn't going to be happy." Mary stated.

"Please don't start. " Miles groaned. It was his first day back, and he was already going through hell.

"Back off, Curls." Riri said, defending Miles.

"Welcome back, Freak!" Jordan said to Miles.

"So you came back for more and bought Flynn with you?" Miles quipped.

"Don't even bring that up." Jordan groaned.

"Mad because you took an L?" Miles asked.

"Shut up." Flynn hissed.

"Don't try to defend your bitch!" Nick said, joining Miles.

"I will beat your ass with your crutches." Jordan said. Miles pushed Jordan and Jordan stumbled backwards.

"Watch it, Jordie." Miles hissed. Jordan pushed Miles back.

"That's enough. Get to class and finish off your orgy, later." Laurie interrupted You, come with me." She said to Nick.

"I'd like to come with you alright. " Nick smirked.

"You're fucking disgusting. " Laurie groaned in anger.

"What is wrong with her? " Miles asked Riri.

"It's  the fact this school is filled with idiots. " Riri groaned. Miles nodded with agreement and walked away to class. 

You know how sometimes you have a good day, until something messes it up? Well, that what was happened with Miles. After his little brawl with Jordan and Flynn, Mary started a rumor, telling everyone that Miles told everyone the real reason Nick was on crutches. So, THAT ended their friendship.

"Can't believe that just happened." Miles said, putting his head against the table at lunch.

"It's alright. He will come back around and you guys will be friends again." Riri reassured Miles.

"Alright, but if he doesn't, I'm coming after you." Miles said. Riri nodded, and laughed. Layla joined them.

"Hey, Miles. Hey... Weird girl with the curly hair."

"I have a name."

"I don't know it....

"You could have asked."

"Fine. What is it then?"

"It's Riri."

"Fine, nice to meet you or whatever, Riri."

"You guys would be a cute couple." Miles joked. Layla glared at Miles.

"Just a joke, relax." Miles laughed. The three teens spent their lunch talking. Miles learned that Layla wasn't such a sarcastic douche all the time, kinda like Laurie.

"You never tried Kiwi pizza?it's amazing!" Riri said.

"I'm allergic to kiwis." Layla answered.

"And, I just don't like them." Miles answered.

"Miles you're weird. Layla, it's not your fault." Riri said. Miles laughed and Layla smiled.

"She's actually smiling." Miles pointed out. That made Layla smile harder. She felt comfortable around Miles and Riri and thought of the fact she might have been misjudging them to harshly.

"I love you guys." She said smiling. She got up, gave Miles and Riri a kiss on the cheek.

"By the way, where is everyone else?" Layla asked Miles.

"Still don't know." Miles answered.

"Well, I owe them all an apology when they get back." Layla confirmed. The trio got up and headed back to class.

After school, Miles had got a call from his Mom. But, who he heard on the phone was unexpected.

"Hey, Miles. I have you Mom and your friends with me. If you want to see them alive, then come to The George Washington Bridge. Alone." Hobgoblin said. That's when Miles realized what's going on. His mom and his friends were captured. And, he had to save them. The first thing Miles did was call up Riri.

"Gobby's got my mom and our friends. He's at the George Washington Bridge and we need to stop him."

"Okay. Let's move."

"First, we go to my Uncle's house. He has a hella suits in the basement." Miles said. So, that's where the duo headed to. Since Aaron wasn't home, they had to crawl through the window.

"Which suit are you taking?" Riri asked Miles.

"This one." Miles answered, picking up an purple and green suit.

"You look nice, dude

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"You look nice, dude." Riri commented.

"Thanks. Now, ready to catch a Goblin?"

"You bet."

So there you have it folks. Miles and Riri headed to the George Washington Bridge to save their friends and family.

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