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"Stop flattering me." Rodrick said.

"Wait, aren't you my son's teacher?" Rio asked, getting up.

"Yes, I am. May I join you for dinner?" Kindly asked, glaring at Miles. Miles couldn't help but to glare back.

"Yes, sit right here." She said, clearing the seat next to her for Mr. Kingsley.

"So, Miles. Is everything going well for you? Being in my class and all that." Rodrick asked Miles. Miles didn't answer, but he glared at the man.

"Miles, don't be like that. He's a guest." Rio said, kindly.

"Good." Miles retorts sarcastically. He had his fist balled up under the table. But, he I unballed it once the waiter came over.

"So, are you guys ready to order?" He asked.

"Yes. So, who is going first?" Rio asked.

" I am. I'll take the catfish." Ganke started.

"I thought you didn't like seafood." Julie mentions.

"Let me live my life." Ganke retorts.

After everyone else ordered, the waiter left and the conversation continued. They talked about the recent New York attack, the New Avengers, and much more. Miles didn't do much talking, unless someone asked him for his opinion. With his teacher being a villain and all. After a while, the waiter finally came to the table with their food.

"Here you go!" He quips cheerfully. After he put the food down, Rio headed to the rest room.

"Jules, Ganke how about go get us a couple of drinks." Mr. Kingsley suggested. They did so, then that's when it for serious.

"How many times do I have to tell you, stay out of my way?" He hissed.

"Until you stop doing what you're doing." Miles answered. 

"I will crush you if you keep getting in my way." Rodrick growled.

"Then be it. But, I will not rest until you're down. With that being said, I need to use the restroom." Miles said.

"Go on." Rodrick said. Miles walked off, with his eyes and fist glowing red.

"Enjoy your eat out, Miles. Because, it'll be your last one." He said. Kinglsey poured little bit of something. Something that would make Miles sick a while after he ate it. But, you couldn't tell.

"I'm back? Where are the children?" Rio asked.

"Miles is in the restroom and Ganke and Jules are getting us some drinks." He answered.

*In the Rest room*

"Why am I here? Julie asked Miles. She was in the men's restroom. Wait, this isn't going be like that one time where tried to trick me into a threesome when we were sophomores, right?" Julie went on.

"No. It's not. It is actually very serious." Miles states.

"Alright, what's going on?" Julie asked.

"Mr. Kinglsey. He's still threating me." Miles stated.

"So? We just whoop his ass." Julie said.

"No. I think we need to expose him." Miles suggested.

"Or better:Get the Avengers on your side. You already have Black Widow, Captain America, Iron Man, and Black Panther on your side." Ganke bought up.

"Look. We will need to find where he keeps his Hobgoblin armor." Miles stated.

"I can track it. Ganke said.  But, it'll have to be after dinner."

"Or, right now." Miles said.

"What are you suggesting?" Julie asked.

"Look:One of us can pretend to be sick. Then, we'll have to go home. I'll wait on all of our parents to fall asleep. Then, we'll track Hobgoblin." Miles explained.

"Good plan Miles. Just one issue:How are all three of us going to track down Hobgoblin?" Julie asked in frustration.

"You guys won't. You'll be tracking me from the laptop." Miles stated.

"Keep up." Ganke retorted.

"Shut up!" Julie hissed.

"What if Mr. Kinglsey sees you?" Ganke asked.

"Then, I'll deal with that. But for now, let's get our plan started." Miles said. The three left the restroom, and Julie purposely bumped into a waiter, pretending to be sick.

"Jules! You okay?" Rio asked, helping the girl up. Julie stumpled, and fell to the ground.

"I guess she's sick." Miles stated. So, everyone ended up going home, but that wasn't the end. Miles' plan was put to action. But, they had wait on their parents to fall asleep first.

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