Hospital Visit

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When Miles made it to the hospital, he rushed to the check in desk, got the room number, and rushed to the room. When he got there, his Rio was in the hospital bed, sleeping. Miles sighed with relief, and sat down on a chair by her. He picked up his phone, and called Barbara, who was still shook from the Hobgoblin attack.

"Hello?" Barbara said, trying not to sound freaked out.

"You alright? You sound panicked. Like, very panicked." Miles said.

"Yeah, I am good. What's up?"

"My mom's in the hospital. Can you please come visit. She could really use some comfort." Miles informed the girl.

"Okay. Could I bring the girls? It's a large group, though."

"Cool. See you soon."

Miles hung up and called Ganke and Jules. They also said yes.

13 minutes later

"Why is so many of us here?" Ganke asked, sitting on Bailey's lap.

"I don't know, but you're kinda cute up close." Bailey said, stroking Ganke's cheek. Ganke blushed at the comment. He didn't say anything except-

"You are too."

"Gross." Laurie retorted. He sat down in the corner, and read To Kill A Mockingbird.

"What happened?" Barbara asked, holding his hand.

"Let's go outside, and talk about it." Miles responded. The two left the room, and stood by a telephone.

"Look. A villain attacked her, and now she is in the hospital. It's Hobgoblin, who is actually Mr. Kinglsey." Miles informed the girl.

"Shut Up!" She said, which earned some looks from a few nurses and doctors.


"Anyway. I will expose him. You want in? Ganke and Julie are also helping."

"I'm in."

"Okay. Don't say anything about this."

"But, how are we going to expose him? We have no proof." Barbara said.

"True. But, I have a photo of him, in the Hobgoblin armor. If we could get this out there in some way, he'd be over."

"I have a idea. Barbara said, smiling. "But, it won't happen until we get out of here."

"Okay. Let's go back in."

When Miles and Barbara came back in, Miles saw his mother had regained consciousness back. He was glad to see that.

"Mom, you're okay?" Miles asked, putting his hand on her shoulder.

"If you must know, then yes. I am okay." Rio scoffed. Miles hugged the woman, and that's when the doctor came in. So, that sent everyone back to the waiting room. Except, Miles. He was right outside the door, turned invisible, listening.

"You can't do this to me. I have a son." She yelled.

"I understand, but until you are fully healed, you are not leaving this hospital." The doctor said. Miles was shocked. He might not get to see his Mom for a whole week, but he just had to deal with it. The thought of not having his mom around was terrifying.

"Where is my son going to stay? His dad his dead?"

"I could stay with Julie or Ganke." Miles suggested out of nowhere, realizing he blew his cover. Rio looked at him with a strict look, and he backed out.


"Anyway, as I was saying-

"You can stay at Julie's." Rio interrupted, this time. The doctor glared at her, and she rolled her eyes.

"Keep going then, Doc." She said sarcastically. As the doctor explained her medical condition that was only temporary, Miles went back to the waiting room to tell everyone about what happened.

"She gonna be okay?" Morgan asked, with a concerned looked, hoping for a yes.

"She is. She just has to stay in the hospital. So, Jules. Me and you are roommates." Miles said. Jules looked at him to make sure he was serious, but he wasn't joking.

"Alright. I'll make a spot for you on the bed." Julie started, as Riri entered the waiting room.

"Share a room with Julie? She gotta stay at the hospital?" Riri asked.

"Yeah. I know, it sucks right."

"Yeah. Anyway, give these to her for me please." Riri said.

"My mom hates roses." Miles informed her.

"Damn it! Just give it to her anyway." Riri groaned. She palmed her face, and the doctor announced his name. The group of teenagers headed to Rio's room to see what the doctor was about to tell him.

"For five days? It's not a whole week, but why five days?"

"Just in case anything happens, they can get to her faster." Laurie answered.

"She does have a concussion, so she'll have to take these pills to keep her from going off the walls." The doctor explained.

"Any scars?"

"Oh she had a few. But, we took care of them."

"Is that it?"

"Yeah. I'll give you ten minutes."

"Mom. After everything's that happened, I you stayed strong. After my dad's death, not seeing me for five years

"Miles. I'll be okay. I'll only be gone for a school week. Okay?"

"Alright. Oh, Riri gave you these. She didn't know you hated roses." Miles said, handing her the roses.

"Thank you, Rihanna."

"It's just Riri."

"Sorry." Rio said, after an awkward silence.

"Well. See you in five days? "

"Yes. Don't cry. "

"I won't."

But as soon, as he got to Jule's house, rage nearly took him over. But, he didn't let it. He didn't. He called Barbara to talk about their plan to expose the Hobgoblin.

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