The part where Miles comes home and his mom discovers the party

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Peter, Miles, and Nat exited the elevator and immediately started fighting the Fisk thugs that got in their way of escaping.

"How many of these guys are there?" Peter shouted.

"There could be an army." Natasha replied.

"I don't have time for this!" Miles said, as he received a call from his suit. "Who is it now-Mom?!!?"

"Miles? This thing isn't working out for me. I'm coming home."

"No! You stay there. You're not having enough fun yet!" Miles said.

"Miles. I'm really bored. I'd rather be in my room, reading."

"Mom, don't!"

"Bye. I'm coming home."

Rio hung up, and that left Miles with an sudden urge to leave.

"We need hurry this up!" Miles yelled.

"Don't you think we're trying to do that!" Peter shouted.

"Wait, who's calling now? Jules?"

"You're Mom's coming home!"

"How do you know?"

"She texted us. She thinks we are just hanging out."

"Okay. Get everyone out. Now!"

"I'll try!"

Miles hung up, and ran through the crowd of Fisk thugs, knocking them all down. He left behind an red blur, that somewhat looked like lighting.

**At the Morales Residence**


"Why, exactly?" Flynn asked, putting his drink down, and walking towards Julie's direction.

"Obviously because, Miles wants us to leave." Morgan cut in.

"Well, I'm not leaving. This party is fucking dope and I'm not letting Morales kick me out, until I want to leave." Flynn retaliated.

"Very motivational." Laurie said sarcastically.

"Listen, if you have an issue with me just come out and say it." Flynn growled at the blonde girl.

"Just did."


"You just gave a speech about something nobody cares about. How is that how?"
Flynn flipped over a chair, then left the house in anger.

"Did you just-


"Wait-how did you?"

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me."

**At the Fisk Tower**
"Don't let them getaway!" Fisk yelled at Hobgoblin, who was gliding after them.

"So, you have super speed?" Peter asked, as they got into a car.

"Yeah. Apparently." Miles answered.

"Hang on, boys!" Natasha said, instantly pressing her foot against the gas. The car went at an insane speed, going above the speed limit. But, that did not mean Hobgoblin still fired bullets at their car.

"That damn- Alright, who wants to impress me?" Natasha asked, looking at the two spider boys.

"I will." Miles side.

"Good. Get on top of the car, fire a web, and knock him off." Natasha instructed Miles.

"Are you crazy? I'm not doing that!" Miles told the redhead woman.

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