Help from your villainous uncle

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1 hour earlier

Rio Morales was cleaning around the house, to prevent it from coming a big mess. She already cleaned the restroom, and her room, and even Miles' room. Now, she just had the kitchen to do. While she was cleaning, she noticed an odd object sitting down on the table. It was small, round, orange, and it had the face of a jack' o lantern.

"Where did this thing come from?" She wondered, as she threw it into the trash. But, that was a mistake. The jack o lantern let out a orange gas, that entered Rio's body, causing her to faint. That's when Hobgoblin appeared out the balcony.

"Sweet dreams." He hissed, quietly.

Present time

Miles was hit with a whole bunch pumpkin bomb and blades, knocking him off his web, and causing him to crash down. The last thing he saw was someone walking to his direction, before his black out. About 3 hours later, Miles woke up, in a familiar house.

"I see you still sleep like a baby, Spider-Man." Aaron Davis greeted, once Miles woke up.

"Aaron? What are you doing? And, how do you know I'm spider man?" Miles asked.

"You have so many questions. But, there is not a lot of time to answer them."

"Look, I need to chase down the Hobgoblin." Miles yelled.

"No. Do like I said earlier. Stay out of this." Aaron told Miles.

"No. I can't." Miles argued.

"You have to. I can't have a dead brother and a dead nephew along with him." Aaron said, which really hit Miles. But, it still didn't persuade him to stop.

"He has my Mom!" Aaron looked at Miles with a shocked expression.

"Should have said that sooner. Come on, I wanna show you something."

Aaron took Miles downstairs, where he had a collection of Spider-Man suits for Miles.

"What am I doing here?" Miles asked.

"I'm letting you choose your suit." Aaron told him. Miles grinned,looking at the different suit choices.

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