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After Miles killed Hobgoblin, he rushed back to the bridge.

"Where'd they go?" Miles asked Riri.

"They went to the hospital." Riri said. Miles quickly swung there to go see Barbara. He knew she didn't survive the fall, but he wanted to see her one last time.

"She's in there." The doctor said to Miles, once he got there. He went to her room and sat down.

"Hey, Barb. Not the place I thought I'd see you in... And this is not what I planned to be here today.... But here I am. Mourning over that son of a bitch, that ended your life. Luckily ... I got him back. I know what you're probably  thinking:I didn't need to kill him. Well... He was gonna hurt more people, so I had to. I didn't want to. Look, this isn't the point babe. *starts tearing up*.... The point is I love you and you didn't deserve this. *Kisses her cheek and sits by her*

"Hey, Miles." Rio greeted, walking in. Miles stood up and hugged her.

"I can't believe she's gone, Mom."

"At least she's in a better spot." Rio replied. Miles grinned and looked at Barbara.

"Sleep well, Barb." He said gently, before kissing her on the cheek again.
_________________________________________4 months after Barbara's death, and Miles hasn't put on his suit at all. He was still broken about everything. His dad. Barbara. What Hobgoblin did to his life. He had to take a break. Peter handled it... But it became hard doing it on his own. Currently, Miles sat in his room watching TV.

It's been over four months since the New Spider-Man has been seen. Citizens are believing that he is now deceased. The first Spider-Man however is 100% positive that his sidekick is alive."

That's when Miles shut off his TV, and sat down on his bed. As he sat down, a door opened and Julie entered.

"Hey, Miles." She said, gently.

"Hey, Jules." He replied.

"I know you're sad about Barbara. Trust me, I am too. But, that doesn't mean you should not give up. Let me tell you a story: There was this cheetah. He was a good hunter. But, he never caught his food. He lost confidence.  But did he give up. No. He kept hunting. Eventually. He got his first fucking meal. Be the cheetah, Miles. Don't give up."

Miles looked at his friend and smiled.

"You're right, Jules. I shouldn't be giving up." Miles declared, entering the closet. He opened a suit case and pulled out his suit.

On a rooftop, Riri and Peter sat on a building together

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On a rooftop, Riri and Peter sat on a building together.

"You know, I miss Miles." Riri said.

"Me too, kid. Hopefully, he decides to come back one day."

"The day that happens is the day I'll be happy again." Riri said.

"Well, I guess you're happy now!" Miles quipped. Riri and Peter looked over at Miles and hugged him.

"Dude, you came back!" Peter exclaimed.

"I had to. Riri convinced me to. "

"Cheetah story?" Riri asked.

"Yep. Exactly!" Miles answered.

"Well, now that we are back together. Wanna patrol?" Peter asked.

"I thought you would never ask." Miles said. With that, Miles took off swinging with Peter behind him. Riri flew beside them, and with that, the trio went to go fight crime.

*Inserts credits here*

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