Aaron's appearance and A confession to Peter

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"Miles, you haven't talked since we were on the phone. Are you feeling okay?" Jules Maxwell asked her best friend.

"I'm okay. Not the least amount of nervous." Miles lied.

"Tell me why I should believe you. " Jules asked Miles.

"Look. I'm okay, okay? Nothing is going on. I'm perfectly fine." Miles shouted. Of course, the class looked at miles and Julie.

"What are you weirdos looking at?" Julie growled. The class turned their attention away from them.

"So, you know what, I'll tell you after school, okay?"


The bell rang, and the two headed to p.e, which was Julie' least favorite class.

After they ran around the gym, they had to play sports. While at it, Julie gets hit in the eye with an football, that was thrown by none other that Flynn McAlan. She was able to take it because of the serum, but she was still enangered her.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She agressivly asked.

"Stop being a baby. You'll be fine." Flynn said, pushing her.

"Let's see if you'll be fine after you take this fist to your face." Miles said, standing up to Flynn.

"You're not going to try to fight me again, are you?" Flynn asked, cracking his knuckles.

"Everyone can crack their knuckles too, Blondie." Miles quipped. That's when Flynn pushed Miles, but it wasn't hard enough to even knock him off of his feet.

"That kind of tickled." Miles joked,pushing Flynn back. Flynn fell back of course, which uttered a few Snickers from other people.

"That's it!" He said. He swung his fist at Miles, but Miles held it, and started crushing his hand. Then, he flipped him over.

**After school**

"Ganke, I have something to tell you." Miles urged.

"Sure, what's up?" He said.

"I'm giving up on being Spider-Man." Miles said.

"You what?!?!" Julie shouted, coming at Miles' direction.

"You heard me. I'm quitting." Miles answered.

"Why?" Jules and Ganke asked,at the same time.

"Mr. Kinglsey is Hobgoblin, and he knows I'm Spider-Man."  Miles stated.

"Then, kick his ass." Julie said.

"He said he'd kill you guys, and My mom if I didn't stop. I'm trying to have you guys end up like my father." Miles continued.

"Does your uncle know about this?" Ganke asked.

"Aaron. Maybe he could help." Miles said.

The trio head to the more upper class part of Brooklyn to see Miles' infamous uncle. Once they get to the house, Miles knocked on the door.

"Who the hell is this?" Aaron grumbled, opening the door,  seeing his nephew, and his friends.

"Miles. Y'all come in." Aaron greets.


"So,what brings you three down here? It's important, right? Aaron asked.

"Yes. It is." Miles said.


"Kingpin has an gang called the Underground. They are lead by Hobgoblin, and the Tinkerer. They are trying to get everything the way it was during the blip. Someone has to stop them." Miles explained.

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