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In the gym, Miles and Jules join the class, who were running around the gym. Even though they were late, the coach didn't say anything to them.

"The coach didn't say shit to us." Julie remarked, as Layla ran past her.

"She was talking about you a while ago." Miles said.

"I know, but I don't give a fuck." Jules responded.

"Race you to the end." Miles said, taking off, with Julie following close behind him. After they finished running, they did a whole bunch of sports activities. But, Julie wasn't in on them. Not because she was too girly, just because she didn't want to. While watching Miles play basketball, she noticed a few girls snickering at her.

"Look, Mary and Maddie if you have any problems with me, just say it. I have no issue with talking to you too."

"Why would we want to talk to someone like you Jules?" Maddie asked.

"Because, I have some sort issue that automatically activates the "Pick on Jules" mode."

"Jules, what's not to tease about you?" Mary laughed.

"Let's start with she's dating Visions Academy biggest nerd. Michael Morales."Maddie started.

"Firstly, his name is Miles. I'll break it down since your slow brains can't process it. My-ilz. M-I-L-E-S. Jules said, and secondly Miles is not my boyfriend, he's my best friend. And, he may be a nerd but he's my nerd. So, if you have any issues, come talk to me about it."

Miles looked at Julie in shocked, since she was usually calm.

"Aww, that's cute. Jules is standing up to her boyfriend. Well, let us know when is the wedding, and you give us a call? Okay?"

"Fuck you, both." Julie shot back, before walking away. She sat down on the bleachers, next to a ginger haired kid, with Green eyes.

"Hey." Jules greeted.

"What's up?" He responded, catching his crutch.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Car accident. But, I won't need these pieces of shit in a few weeks." He said.

"Hopefully. Well, I'm Jules."

"Nick." The kid replied. Over at Miles' side of the gym, he was playing basketball with some of the school's basketball team.

"You guys play like elementary schoolers at recess." Miles joked, passing the ball. Jules watched closely, as Miles dunked on every one every chance he got.

"Friend?" Nick asked, grabbing a bag of chips, and started devouring them, almost immediately.

"Yeah. He's just so mistreated and I fucking hate it. He's a good guy, and barely bothers any one. He deserves so much better."

"The world treats good people unfairly." Nick said.

"That's what I hate about it." Just then, Jules heard a Yelp, coming from Miles. The basket ball came towards where Julie and Nick were sitting.

"Out of bounds?" Nick said, jokingly. Julie got up angrily and went towards the basket ball players.

"What did you do to him?" She asked.

"He's just being a baby. He'll be fine." One of the guys responded.

"Don't call my friend a baby." Jules hissed.

"Or what?" He retorted, walking up to her.

"Or, she'll kick your ass." Miles said, getting back up.

"Miles to cry to your mother." He hissed.

"Leave him alone, Jordan." Layla defended.

"Or what?" He won't do anything." Jordan scoffed. Jules kicked Jordan in the crotch. Jordan fell to the floor, and Layla laughed at him, and went to go make sure Miles was okay.

"You okay?" She asked.


"Good. I'm gone." She said, heading to the bleachers.

"Thanks, Jules." Miles said.

"No problem. You stuck up for me. Anyway, wanna meet someone? His name is Nick."

"Nick Oscar? No. Me and him have bad terms." Miles said.

"C'mon, Miles. You and him can start over or something." Jules suggested. Miles looked at her, then got up.

"Let's go."

Since I added three new characters to this story, I have to give them face claims, so here they are.

Ross Butler as Jordan Ross

Madison Beer as Maryland Mason

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Madison Beer as Maryland Mason

Madison Pettis as Maddie Fredrickson

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Madison Pettis as Maddie Fredrickson

DarkWindySoulThank you for supporting my stories and motivating me

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Thank you for supporting my stories and motivating me. Thank you PatrickValdez6 for adding some of my stories to your reading list. And, if you didn't see your name but you still added your story to a reading list of yours, still thank you. Have a good day/night.

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