The part where Tinkerer and Hobgoblin kidnap Rio without the rest of the s6

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At Brooklyn Hospital, Rio Morales was getting settled for bed. The doctors gave her melatonin, so it wasn't going to be hard for her to fall asleep. She was watching Grey's Anatomy, when she heard something. Rio tried to ignore it but it bothered her so much that she turned up the TV. But it did not block it out.

"What the fuck? I'm trying to watch TV!" She yelled.

"I'll just come back later." Tinkerer greeted the woman. She got up and lifted a drill on the doctors desk.

"No need to get defensive, sweetheart." Hobgoblin joined in.

"What do you creeps want?" Rio hissed picking up a large broomstick.

"You. Don't worry. We'll bring you right back." Hobgoblin said, launching an electric band at her. But, she missed and kicked Hobgoblin and he flew back. Then, she swung the broomstick to defend herself against Tinkerer. Tinkerer pulled out her shield and came towards Rio.

"We don't want to hurt you."

"Too bad."

Rio grabbed the heart rate monitor and hit Tinkerer with it. Then, she used it to hit Hobgoblin. Then, she took off running.

"I still got it." She smirked. The woman tan into a uniform closet and put on a uniform, then put on her hospital name tag. When she got to the checkout area, everyone looked at her. Some people knew that she was supposed be in her room.


"I was attacked, but I was escaped.", She explained. She went headed for the exit, but a pumpkin bomb stopped her.

"Wow. Thanks asshole." She quipped sarcastically. Rio ran at the villain and kicked him. The villain flew back and landed in the restroom. But, Hobgoblin wasn't done yet. He got up, aimed a tranquilizer dart at Rio, and fired it. Sure enough, it got her. Hobgoblin walked over to the woman, and picked her up. Then, he took off flying.


Hours later, Rio woke up in the lair of the Underground lair of the Sinister Six.

"Wake up, gorgeous." Agatha said, alerting Rio right away.

"Where the hell am I?" She asked, trying to get up. But, she couldn't because she was strapped to a chair.

"We're keeping you here, until your baby boy Miles finds us. Then, we'll crush him. Right in front of you."

"Yeah. Last time I checked, he stopped you, and he didn't need nanotech." Rio responded, smirking. Hobgoblin couldn't help but to glare at her.

"We could crush him all individually." Rhino bragged.

"He took you out sever times on his own. So, I don't even know why you're talking.  Like, you're this big ass dude in this rhino suit, and you were defeated by electricity." Rio said.

"He fights like hell, but he is quite dumb." Agatha remarked.

"I feel like you're the only that can beat Miles." Rio said to Agatha. It made sense, because she had mind powers, making her stronger than the rest of her team.

"And, the weird robot in the corner." Rio added, referring to M. O. D. O. K.

"You are awfully annoying." Hobgoblin said to Rio, helmet coming off of his head.

"Don't get that very much. Thanks." Rio joked. Hobgoblin was tired of Rio, and her playfulness. So, he tased Rio to put her asleep.

"One down. 3 to go." He said to himself. He cackled and went on to go capture, Ganke, Barbara, and Julie. 

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