An unexpected guest

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**At the Morales Residence**

"So, what do you need help with?" Miles asked T'Challa asked, handing him a Dr. Pepper.

"The Hobgoblin stole vibranium from Wakanda. He also terrorized our country. I'm here to get revenge on him." T'Challa explained.

"How do you plan on getting revenge?" Julie asked.

"By killing him." T'Challa answered.

"Whoa!" Riri gasped.

"Don't you think that's going too far?" Ganke asked.

"He has a point." Miles said.

"It must be done." T'Challa said, getting up. He went to the front door, but Miles webbed his hand.

"I'm not letting you do this." Miles said.

"Why not?"T'Challa asked.

"For multiple reasons. One, your my favorite Avenger. Speaking of avengers, that brings me to my next reason. You are an Avenger. You're not supposed to kill anyone. You're supposed to confront them. It's not any better if you kill the guy. Finally, you're a king. You won't have good impact on your culture if you kill someone." Miles explained. T'Challa had mover thought about what Miles just said, as for he was too focused on trying to kill Hobgoblin.

"You're right, Miles." T'Challa agrees.

"I know, man. My dad once told me with great power comes great responsibility, and killing someone doesn't seem responsible to me. So which are going to do? Become infamous for killing somebody? Or, put this guy away before he brings out the evil out of you?" T'Challa broke free from the door, And went over to Miles. He held out his hand, and Miles shook it.

"Welcome to the Avengers." T'Challa said to Miles.

**On an roof sat Hobgoblin and Tinkerer**

"Glad you could make it. Now, I have a little mission for you." Hobgoblin said to his young female assistant.

"What is it, boss?" Tinkerer asked.

"I want you to take care of that new Spider-Man. The one in the red and black suit." Hobgoblin explained.

"I will. He won't know what hit him(cringe alert)." Tinkerer said. She jumped down and started her search for Spider-Man.

"Be careful. He has a few sidekicks. Hobgoblin told her. Also, I'll need you to run the underground for me." Hobgoblin requested.

Before Tinkerer began her search for Spider-man, she headed to the Underground headquarters.

*"Underground HQ**

"Hobgoblin appointed me to be your new leader. Our main goal right now is to kill Spider-Man. That means we'll need more members. So,I want you all to go look for recruits." Tinkerer ordered.
So while the members went to look for more recruits, Tinkerer went to go look for Spider-Man.

**At the Avengers Compound**

"If you're going to be fighting the Hobgoblin, then you're going to need an armored suit." T'Challa told Miles.

"I barely got to wear this suit. Besides, I really like the design. Miles complains. But, I'll deal with it."

"Okay, Shuri. Can you make a suit for this kid?" T'Challa asked his younger sister.

" I can. But, it might take me a while." Shuri said.

"I could help you." Riri suggested.

"Really?" Shuri asked.

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