The Sinister Six

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Miles picked up Tony, and swung back to were Peter, Natasha, Steve, T'Challa, and Riri were at. Miles gently places Tony on the ground.

"Mr. Stark, you okay?" Peter asked.

"He's knocked out." Miles said.

"Oh. Well, I hope he's okay." Peter responded. Tony opened his eyes, and looked around.

"Nobody tried to kiss me while I asleep, right?" Tony asked. The other heroes laughed. 

"I'm serious." Tony said, getting back up.

"No." Miles confirms, helping Stark back up.

"What happened to Hobgoblin?" Peter asked Miles.

"He's done. I took him down." Miles said victoriously. Peter smiled at Miles under his mask. He finally took down the Hobgoblin. He have never felt so proud of himself. He decided he would celebrate by going home, and having some free time.

"Hey, Ma." Miles said, once he got home.

"Your finally home. Oh my god, what happened?"

"Oh, my forehead? It's nothing." Miles lied.

"I need the first aid kit." Rio said.

"Mom. Chill the f out. I'm good." Miles said.

"First, don't say that to me. Second, sit down." Rio says, as she picks up the kit.

"So, what happened?" She asked.

"Hobgoblin attacked. Battle got wild. But, I defeated him." Miles declares.


"Can I ask you something?"

"Anything, mijo."

"When Dad went off to work, did you ever worry about him?"

"Of course. I always feared he'd never come home, and ever since you got those powers, I have been worried about you."

"I know. But, it's my responsibility to protect the city." Miles said, as Rio finally finished patching his forehead.

"Just promise me that you will be careful when you're fighting." Rio asked.

"I promise."

Miles went off to his room, and opened his laptop.

"Okay. I need to find the Tinkerer, next." Miles thought to himself. Ganke and Julie came in during his research.

"How the hell?" Miles asked.

"Your Mom let us." Ganke said.

"Oh. Alright. I'm trying to find the Tinkerer."

"You just finished fighting a villain, and you are going to fight another one?" Julie asked.

"What am I supposed to do? Let the other Spider-Man handle her?" Miles asked.

"Yes. That's what he is for."

"What if he is busy? He has summer vacation next month, and I'm going to have to look after the city."


"I'm not making this up. I need to step up my game. Fast, too."

"Alright, then. Let's see where this Tinkerer bitch is."

After doing some long, and hard research, they found out that Tinkerer was indeed in Brooklyn. So, the next day, Miles headed out to go find her. Julie and Ganke created communication system so they could speak with Miles while he was swinging.

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