Warmth From the Cold

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( There are some made up stuff that aren't in the real anime or manga, I needed to make some made up stuff so yeah)

Its been 4 hours since you had left for your journey. You slept in a person house for the night and followed the crow that was in flying.
Hearing him flap his wings was enough to tell you where he was going, but you would sometimes bump into tree's.
" Can we please have a break?" you said as your feet ached from all the walking.
The crow came down to your shoulder and cawed.
" I'll take that as a yes.." you mumbled, finding a place to rest.
You found a rather big tree which felt cool under it so you sat down there, pulling out some ( Whatever food you want) from your bag.
You munched it down and drank some water and closing your eyes, not to sleep, just to rest.
After a while, the crow came down to you and started shouting.
" Break times over! Caw caw!" 
You sighed, getting up and nodding as you followed the sound of black birds wings flapping.
As it turned dawn and you felt the temperature go down, you began to feel a bit paranoid of your surroundings, regretting that you should have planted one of the wisteria's in your bag.
It turned rather dark and you could hear cricket chirping from the distance. The big road had narrowed and there were tree's all over the place.
" Hey, isn't it dangerous here?" you shouted to the crow.
You heard no response for a while, until it landed on your shoulder and spoke.
"  Caw caw! Were almost there at the Laura household!" it squawked and continued to fly.
You followed it for another 20 minutes until you started to hear faint talking and walking.
It soon became louder and louder till it was all you could hear. The crow's squawking was no more to be heard and you became scared. A few people walked past you, knocking shoulders.
You had no Idea where to go, so you tried finding a corner and managed to find a wall. You held it a followed to where it leaded, but before you could even go to the end of it, a hand gently grabbed your hand.
It felt somewhat cold and big.
" Who is it?" you asked turning around.
" Where are you heading?" the deep voice asked, avoiding your question.
You recognized the voice from somewhere. The same voice that saved you from a demon before.
" M- muzan, is that you?" You asked, hoping it's not some stranger.
It went silent, maybe it was just a person willing to help you, but the voice was so familiar.
" I, need to go the Laura household," you said.
He gave an 'mhm' and started to hold your wrist, leading you. The crowd became rather quiet and you only hear a few footsteps around you.
Soon, you started to the faint thunder, and it became louder. You heard the man click his tongue.
" Looks like its gonna rain, there wont be enough time to get the household," he said pulling you to somewhere else.
It soon started to rain.
The rain was obviously cold, and you didn't like.
Pretty soon, he opened a door and pulled you in.
" Where are we?" you asked, putting down your bag.
" A house, no one lives here, so you can stay here for the night," he said.
" Ah, I see, but can I know who you are?" You asked again hugging yourself to warm yourself.
" You guessed it already," he replied as you heard him take off his shirt.
" Oh, thank you again Muzan, Its a coincidence to see you again isn't it," you said, smiling.
You suddenly felt a coat wrap around your shoulders. It was obviously Muzan.
" Thank you," you said, sitting down near the wall, leaning your head against it.
Muzan sat down next to you.

-Third person POV-
He could just take her life away, right now. 
But his hands didn't move to do any bad, just to keep her warm.
She was also rather comfortable in his coat, but it was still rather cold.
The house was silent, the windows were slightly opened as she could feel the cold wind come in and the rain drop hitting the ground outside.
Muzan noticed this but kept silent as it was none of his concern, he had already given you his coat, that was all the kindness he wanted to use.
(Y/N) decided to go to bed, even though her body was cold, she thought sleeping would be the best option since it was already night.
She closed her eyes, hugging her knees to keep warm and eventually fell asleep, her head dropping down to the mans  shoulder.
He tensed up. It wasn't uncomfortable for him, but he didn't like it.
He let it slide and kept looked out the window, having nothing else to do.

(Y/N) Woke up with a gasp.
Another nightmare of her parents death. Except she could hear rather uncomfortable voices in it.
Her parent, her family, they were all gone. She couldn't do anything of it either. Just being reminded of it was enough for her to starting tearing up.
She stayed silent, hoping not to wake up Muzan but he was awake, a bit startled by her sudden awakening.
" What wrong," he asked as he managed to see a few tears streaming down her face.
" N-nothing..." she mumbled, quickly wiping them off.
" Mhm," is all he said and it went silent again.
She wanted comfort, but she was a bit hesitant to ask Muzan.
Maybe she could just shut her eyes and go back to sleep. No, her clothes had dried by now and the wind was rather cold, much more than before. So she couldn't.
" C-can you maybe.." she mumbled.
Muzan looked at her with his usual expression which she obviously couldn't see.
" Could you.. hold me.." she said in a low voice, regretting it a bit.
Muzan was a bit weirded out, but it didn't matter, so he brought his arms and wrapped it around her, pulling her in a little bit.
She was a bit taken back by him, with no hesitation either.
Feeling a bit relaxed, she smiled to herself and closed her eyes, feeling warm, even though his hands felt cold.
Eventually she fell asleep again, snoring softly.
Muzan was here for a completely different reason, and here he was comforting his prey.
He stared off into the darkness of the house, taking small glances at the sleeping girl.
He was here for his own selfish desires, so why,
Why did his cold heart suddenly warm up a bit when he was with her?
Thank you for more than 100 reads, this got alot of reads fast ^^

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