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Thank you so much for 100K reads!! I'm really happy this story got so far when I take so long to upload new chapters.
Since this story is beginning to get negative, and less romance is there, i have decided to do one or two chapters about the past when you and Muzan were still together in the infinity tower, one in your demon form and one as a human.
 I decided to give you all more romance before I make you guys cry, so enjoy the next two chapters.

Once again, this is happening in the past.

(CONTAINS FINGERING, your welcome)

And once again, THANK YOU :D!!

(Human form)
"Muzan, help me!" You shouted as the man rested on the grass, finding your struggle amusing as you uncomfortably sat with almost 6 cats on you, their nails pricking your soft skin through your kimono.

You sat there frozen as you clenched your fists, begging for help from Muzan he laughed.
" No, I think I'll wait a bit, it's your payback for slapping me today," He smirked, eagerly waiting for the little feline's claws to go through your skin and drip some blood.

"Tch! I was just angry you didn't give me my clothes today!." 

You gently pried off the cats the stuck to you like glue, perhaps carrying fish around a place known for 'thieves' wasn't a good idea.

However, the final cat was too determined to keep its murder thorns on you, soon prying inside the flesh of your wrist.

You flinched, clicking your tongue as your quickly wiggled your hand, forgetting about the cats safety, and throwing it off you as blood dripped down your hand, just as Muzan had wished.

The cat pounced away as you threw the fish you had on you. There goes your dinner...

"Thanks for nothing," You huffed as you got up, wiggling your arm to shake off the blood that continuously dripped.

" Be grateful that thing used claws and not its teeth," Muzan spoke, getting up.
" Oh why you!" You clicked your tongue, pressing your wounded spot as you had nothing to cover it up till the bleeding stopped.

You sighed as you turned around.
" Lets just go back Muzan, I'll just eat the leftover rice," You rudely spoke as something quickly caught you by the waist.

Muzan smiled, lifting your arm as his eyes full of lust stared at the red hue dripping down.
"M-muzan not here! People could come!" You stuttered, turning your head away from him.

He leaned near your arm, gently licking a bit of the red liquid.
" I'll get you something later, for now just stay still," he spoke as he placed his lips on your wrist, sucking out the blood as you closed your eyes, flinching.

Once he was done, he took a piece of bandage out of his pocket, as if he was prepared for this, and gently wrapped it around your wrist, leaving a small kiss on it after.

"There, all done," He hummed, leaning near your face as you pushed it away in embarrassment.
"Y-your mouth is gonna taste like metal, so no, go drink some water and gargle then I will let you,".

He sighed, then smiling and then letting go of you.
" Lets go back to the infinity fortress, I'll make Doma get something for you to eat," Muzan spoke, gently grasping you hand.

You held his cold palm back, leaning near him.
If anyone saw you both, you would have looked like a  normal couple.

So, Muzan guided you back to the fortress, then carrying you to go inside.
You didn't know where he was taking you as you couldn't see, but you had memorized his steps around the place and you could tell, he was taking you back to your room.
But all the way, he was silent.

As he pushed the door open, you heard a hum of delight.
" Ah there you are Y/N chan!" Doma happily chirped as Muzan clicked his tongue.
" Good timing, go get something for Y/N to eat," Muzan roughly replied as Doma frowned.

"Hm? Why can't I stay a little longer with my dear friend?" Doma asked with a slightly disappointed tone, which was definetly pretend.
But before Muzan could yell, Doma sighed and skipped out, giving you a head pat on the way.

You found you way to your bed and sat down, waiting for Muzan to come as well.
" Muzan?" You questioned him as he dozed off, suddenly being snapped back to reality as your voice echoed through his ears.

"Y-yes," He replied, walking towards you and sitting next to you.
You knew something was wrong, even though he was perfectly fine outside a few minutes ago.

So, you gently put your arm around his head, pushing it down to your lap as the sudden movement caught the raven haired man by surprise.

"If... anything is bothering you, you can tell me okay..?" You muttered as he looked into your dull eyes, getting comfortable in your lap.

" Don't worry, I'm just a bit frustrated that upper moons are now dying, meaning those pesky demon slayers are getting stronger..." He spoke, feeling cross as the image of Tanjiro passed his mind.

You placed your fragile palm on his hair, combing it with your fingers.
" Who would have thought that this 1000 year old monster could have a human lover..." he muttered under his breath as you chuckled.

" You were the one who came first,".
You both sweet talked with each other for so long, Doma eventually yawned from boredom.

"E-eh-" You stuttered as Doma swung a plastic bag in the air.
" You two seem too busy to eat something, and I got you something called Takoyaki!" Doma whined, placing in on Muzan face and walking out.

You took the bag and opened it, slowly taking out a stick of the slightly mushy snack and nibbling on it.
You gently smiled as the taste exploded in your mouth, but before you could take another bite, Muzan flung the stick out of your hand, getting off your lap.

" So you prefer the food over me?" He teased, getting off the bed.
You stayed still, contemplating on what to do.
Yes you were hungry, but is Muzan mad at you for something so silly? You just wanted to eat.

You got up, grabbing his hand and pulling him back.
" Why are you so angry today?" You questioned a bit silently.
He wasn't actually mad for something like this, but he was rather taken aback by your sudden change of tone.

" What?" He questioned you.
"If its about me slapping you then get over with it, anyone would get mad if they didn't get to cover themselves up, even in front of their lover..." You spoke.

He decided to play around with you, and continued to be 'mad'.
He gently pried your hand off, walking away with a smirk on his face.
'Lets see what your going to do dear,' he thought to himself as he held the doorknob, but you quickly caught up to him.

" Why are you so rude..!" You suddenly blurted out.
Maybe tears will persuade him right?
You managed to spill a few droplet out of your eyes,  looking up to his face as his pupils shrunk.

He didn't mean to make you cry.
With no hesitation, he quickly pulled you to his chest.
" Okay okay, I'm sorry, don't cry," He muttered as you gently smiled, soon chuckling as he raised his eyebrow.

" You fell for it!" You laughed, tip toeing to hug him tighter.
"Heh?!" He stuttered, feeling embarrassed as he was just teased himself.

"W-why you...!" He stuttered again, prying your hand off him.
You laughed, letting go of him as he began to chase you around the room.

Once he caught you by the waist, he lifted you up into the air, then dropping you onto the bed.

He pinned you down, smirking.
" You starting to get immature aren't you? Damn when first met you, you were so silent," He chuckled, giving you baby kisses all over your face.

You laughed, resting your hands on his hair.
But you soon felt a nibble on your neck.

"Hey, can we have a second night Y/N?" He kindly asked as you embarrassingly swung your head.
"N-no, you hurt me too much..." You muttered covering your face with one of your hand.

" I'll be gentle this time," He pleaded as you kept refusing.
Eventually you agreed to him using only his fingers.

He began kissing your roughly, slowly lifting your kimono as he placed on of his fingers near your underwear, gently pulling the hem of it.

After giving you a deep and wet kiss, his pulled down the cloth to reveal your slightly wet vagina.
It was embarrassing, after all, the last time you made out was a while ago.

He began rubbing your clit as you bit your lip, hiding your embarrassed head in between his neck.
" You like don't you?" He hummed into your ear as his fingers went to your wet hole.
" Lets go with three fingers like last time, alright?" He spoke as you hesitantly nodded.

But unlike last time, he gently shoved his fingers in as your walls tightened around them.
You let out a gasp as your fingers dug onto the bed sheets.

He waited for a moment to let you relax.
" Okay, are you ready?" He hummed.
The moment you nodded, with no hesitation, he started thrusting fast.
Extremely fast.
And you were definetly not ready.
"Gah! M-muzan!" You moaned, hugging onto him as he continued those inhuman thrusts with his long fingers.
He pushed your head away from his neck, looking at your erotic face as your eyes were shut, small tears dropping down as your teeth gritted together.

" It's been a while since I have seen this face," He chuckled, leaning to your mouth for another kiss.
Your mouth and pussy was occupied, and it felt wonderful.

The careless moans were muffled as the bed creaked slightly.
Just as Muzan broke the kiss, a quick jolt of electricity shot through your body as you curled your toes.

" Looks like you have more than one sweet spot," He huffed as he dug deeper into the sensitive place he just thrusted at.

Your moans increased as the lust filled eyes of the demon roughly pushed into you, causing a knot in your stomach.

"Hng! Muzan-" You stuttered as you wanted to let go of this knot.
" Oh don't worry dear, I know what you want to do,"
He used his other hand to caress your clit, rubbing it as the two pleasure spots finally let go.

" Now let all of it out," He cooed into your ear.
You reached your climax, Moaning loudly into his neck.

For a moment, you both stayed like that. His fingers still inside you as you cuddled into his neck, shallow pants escaping through your lips.

After a while, he pulled his fingers out, making you whimper a bit.
And what did he find?

Period blood, and the smell gave it off.
He stared at his fingers, then chuckling.
" Have I ever tasted your period blood? Not really," He muttered as you felt awkward.

You just started your period.
He licked off the red liquid clean, then looking at you.
" That was wonderful, next time I should make out with you when your on your period," He spoke as you shyly dropped your head.

He got off the bed, throwing a bedsheet at you and summoning a demon.
You hid yourself as you felt another presence.

" What is it Lord Muzan," The demon spoke as he bowed, smelling the slight scent of an odd blood and the soft sounds of pants under the blankets.
" Go and get some pads," He easily spoke.
You would be crying inside if you asked a demon to get pads for you.

The demon nodded, and soon dissappeared.
You suddenly felt the weight of the bed increase as Muzan sat down, patting your head which was under the sheets.

" Come out now, it's alright,". 
You peeked your head out, immediately jumping off the bed as you didn't want to stain the sheets with your blood.

"Good, just stand like that until that demon brings some pads for you," He spoke as you pulled down your kimono to cover your legs.

Muzan got up and the moment he did, the demon came back with a shopping bag, that speed startled you.
Muzan pushed you into his arms and grabbed the bag from the demon.
Once it left, Muzan handed you the bag and pecked a small kiss on your forehead.

" You can enjoy your Takoyaki or whatever now, I'll see you tomorrow dear," He hummed lovingly as you nodded, slowly letting go of his cold hands as hearing his footsteps disappear.


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