Lets Meet Again

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Its cold here, really cold.
Its dark too, and its so silent.
Where are you?
It scary here.

You couldn't see anything at all, but you kept walking, eventually seeing a tiny light up ahead.
Should you go there? 
"So you're here.."
A voice echoed as you turned around.
Where did that come from?

"H-hello?" You called out.
But no response.
You called out again, but no one again.

You didn't want to be alone, not somewhere this strange!
"Somebody? Anybody? Hello?!" You yelled walking around.
You sat down, trying to listen if anyone was there. And there was, there was breathing.

"I know your here, come out," You spoke.
And then you heard footsteps, very faint footsteps.
"Y/N.." A deep voice muttered as they walked right in front of you.
You saw their feet, and looked up.
Somehow, even through the darkness, you were able to clearly see who it was.
Muzan sat down in front of you, gently smiling.
"M-muzan," You stuttered.

There he was, he's here.
But why was it only the two of you in this dark, uncomfortable place, and he looked a bit...different?
" I was searching for you, where were you when I was captured..?" He spoke with a croak in his voice.

" I was...hiding.. I was too scared to come out.. I'm sorry!" 
"There's nothing to be sorry about, us crossing paths would  have anywhere given us this doom either way," He muttered as he took in a huge breath.
He brought you in his arms, tightly embracing you in silence.
"W-where are we Muzan...?" You questioned as the words echoed in this void.

"The shore of life and death I suppose, I should have gone to the depths of hell by now, but I think I had to see you once more before I could go there, my mind must be so persistent" He spoke into your shoulder, his hands shaking.
Oh so you were dead, as expected

Death was his biggest fear, and maybe the only one.
" How was it there? Did you see your brother?" He spoke as you nodded.

"He grew up so much, he became so responsible too,".
"Good for you.." He muttered once again.
A long silence then came as you rested in his arms, waiting to be taken to where you belonged.
But it was a bit longer than expected, and Muzan wasn't letting you go.

"So... When are we going to the underworld...?" You asked as Muzan chuckled.
"Look behind you, do you see it?" He asked as you snapped your head, clutching onto Muzan's hand as the tiny light you had previously seen was now a lot brighter.

"What do you think the light is?"
"I... Don't know, do you know?" You asked as you saw His face.
It was now much brighter, so his face was much clearer.
He looked different, with longer hair and a yukata, and sort of...weak features.

"Its the demon slayers, they're trying to bring you back, And it seems like its working, I don't think you have much time here anymore, so say what you wanna say and we'll part, even though I don't want to" He spoke as his nose grew pink.

You could clearly tell he was holding back the tears of his life.
Wait, your still not dead? Your going to go back?
You pinched his face.
"Idiot, just cry, this will be the last time you'll see me," You spoke, feeling a lump in your throat as well.

"I'm still here, so make it quick,".
His eyes widened to your request, and then suddenly, he let everything out.
This was the first, and last time you were going to see him cry.
His angelic human face was full of emotion as he held your small hand in his.

You wiped his tears, letting tears drip down from your face as well.
"I-I'll wait for you, a...lright?" He spoke with hiccups, getting up.
The only love of your life, here he was as a human it seems, and he was still as beautiful as ever with those tears running down. This was going to be the last face of him that you would see for a very very long time.

You jumped up too, looking at the bright light emitting into the abyss and looked back at him.
"If we happen to meet once we are reincarnated, I hope we meet in better circumstances," He smiled, wiping his tears.

" Muzan..." You muttered
"Go on now, I have to leave as well, I better repent for my sins quickly so I can meet you again,".

He placed one, last, gentle kiss on your lips, wiping of a tear from your cheek.
Just one, last kiss.
" Go, quickly, go live another thirty or forty years and come back, I can wait for as long as you need,"

This dark void was getting whiter and whiter by the moment, and you couldn't stay here even if you wanted to.
Everyone was waiting for you, all your friends, your brother.
A least you got to see something new in Muzan.
Human emotions, his human figure. But after all this, you still didn't even find out about his past, or how he turned into a demon.
Maybe its best to ask him now.

"Muzan I have one last ques-"

"He's right Y/N, leave this place, your not ready yet," Someone else spoke as they pulled you.
You spotted a man as he pushed you into the white void.
"B-brother!?" You yelled recognizing that voice, the same voice that said they would be back for you.
"Goodbye sister. Mother, father and I will be waiting," He smiled.
Muzan looked at your brother as he walked past you, not even giving you a hug.
"I'm sorry for not coming back," He muttered as he dissappeared into the other side, leaving only a apology echoing in your ears.

Muzan's back was turned against you as you began seeing flames emitting from his feet.
"M-muzan your feet-"
The bright red flame engulfed his feet as he began moving away from you
What can you do?!
"Its alright, Don't worry about me," He spoke slowly walking away.

You had to go after him, but you couldn't move from the white abyss of light at all.
You were going back.

"Muzan. I'm going to miss you," You spoke as your eyes began to blur.
" I'm glad I met a human like you, someone I could spill my emotions to even after I'm dead, someone that was worth living all those years for. You were the only thing I regret losing... I'm going to miss you a lot too,".
That was enough to send even more flooding tears out of your already red eyes.

"Also, just to let you know, Death used to be my biggest fear,".
What? What does he mean by that?

"I love you! Don't forget that Muzan!" You yelled in tears as he looked back at you.
One last time, with that peaceful face of a human, he smiled.
"How could I ever forget? Even once I'm reborn I'll still remember that, and I hope to meet you again too".

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