Gentle arms

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(2nd person pov)
(MeNtions of blood, FluFf)
The sound that filled the house was your silent sobbing and some outside wind. No animals, crickets, none of that.
Soon enough, you felt a pair of warm arms embrace your body.
You let yourself melt into his arms, grasping the back of his suit tightly. He didn't say anything, just let you sob into his shoulder. His cold body was all the comfort you needed right now.
" Stay with me," is all you heard from him.
" W- what?" you sniffed confused.
" Come with me, you'll be... Safe then," he replied.
He wasn't meaning it like that. Since you were already vulnerable, he thought he could lure you in into his little trap. You wanted to accept it, but the words that the demon had told you kept replaying in your head.
' Muzan is a demon..' you thought. But, he couldn't. He's literally trying to comfort you right now, he can't be a demon right?
" Muzan.."
" What," he asked.
He let go of him and looked at his face.
"Hm," he asked again.
" Are you perhaps a..."
You were debating if you should ask him or not. What if he isn't, he would feel insulted.
" If you have something to say then say it," he spoke, rather coldly.
' Shouldn't have let fucking demon out alive, she definitely heard something from him,' he thought as he grit his teeth.
" N- nevermind.." You stuttered, feeling a bit scared now that his voice tone changed.
'Maybe she's still doubtful', Muzan thought. He can't take her yet, he needs her full trust. Then only can he bring you to his lair and use you for himself. 
"I, I'd like to be alone for a while Muzan.." 
Never mind, he made up his mind, he's going to take you to with him to a place he had been saving for you.
" Well then where are you going to stay, people with soon find out about this house. Your blind as well," he replied.
It was silly of course, Living by yourself? That would be hard, the hell were you just thinking?
Suddenly you felt a tug on your arm.
" M-muzan?" 
" Your coming with me, whether you like it or not," he bluntly told as he pulled you out of the house.
" B-but, my stu-" 
You were interrupted by him picking you up and holding you bridal style. This man had the AUDACITY to do this.
You stared at the ground, missing it and trying to get off him, but his grip was too tight for you to let loose.
" Don't even try,"
You were confused, why was he doing this? You sighed, letting him carry you.
You put your arms around his neck and made sure you wouldn't fall. Suddenly, you felt huge gushes of wind past you and your hair flew all over your face. What type of inhuman speed was this?!
You covered you face by hiding it in his chest and gripping onto him tightly. 
You felt a bit hungry as you heard your stomach growl. But you had to wait for him to stop running or flying whatever he was doing.
After some time, he stopped running and gently put you down.
" Where are we?" 
" Stay here, I'll be right back," he replied as you heard his footsteps walk away. 
This man is suddenly so confusing. 
You found a place and sat down under a tree and waited. It wasn't long until you heard footsteps run towards you.
They weren't Muzan's.
You got up panicking. Leaving you alone wasn't a good idea. You had nothing to protect yourself with.
You felt a sharp pain on your arm as something flew past you. You winced in pain holding your arm as you felt blood dripping.
" Tch, I meant to chop of your head," you heard a growling voice.
Okay, that was definitely a demon.
You back away, holding your arm tightly. What the hell could you do now? 
" If I finish you off quickly, then he wont notice anything and will have to wait a long time for you to come  back!" The demon yelled laughing hysterically.
What was he talking about?  And who is this 'He'?
You felt a pair of sharp nails grab you by the waist roughly and you felt something sharp near your neck.
You gasped, knowing your life was going to end.
" Imma be nice, you have any last words?"
You gulped, shutting you eyes and saying no.
Just as you felt the nails dig into your waist, you were lifted off the ground. 
" I leave you for just a few minutes and this is what happens," you heard Muzan as he put you back down a bit far from the demon. He suddenly flashed to the demon and you heard the demon scream and fall down.
Muzan came back to you and took your bleeding arm. He clicked his tongue inspecting the hand and then moving down to the small cuts on your waist.
" T-the cuts don't hurt much.." you stuttered hiding your waist with your unharmed arm. 
You felt a comfortable cloth wrap around your bleeding arm and it tightened.
" This might keep it from bleeding for a bit," he said.
While wrapping your arm, a bit of the blood dripped onto his hand. Without hesitation, he licked it off, clearly amazed by the taste he had missed. It had been a while since he'd tasted it. He smirked to himself as he finally had the taste he had longed for, even if it was just a bit.
" Here," He spoke.
You felt him push something to your chest. A felt like a bag. You opened it and there was(FOOD, WHATEVER FOOD, JUST FOOD).
" Th-thank you.."
" We aren't at the stop yet, it looks like its going to rain anyways,"  He replied staring at you.
This month was rather rainy. 
You were under an old shed, eating the food Muzan had kindly brought you. You tried offering him some, but he kept refusing it. 
Small rain droplets hit the ground and the roof of the shed. The small droplets soon turned into a big gush of rain, followed by thunder. 
You kept flinching at the sound of the thunder, but Muzan didn't mind it at all. Nothing bothered him since he already had his prey with him. If only you saw the cold and mischievous eyes he had glared at you while you sat next to him innocently, not knowing a thing on what he wanted to do with you, his eyes full of greed.
Suddenly, a large sound of thunder snapped, and you hugged onto Muzan's arm by instinct.
His eyes softened at your touch and he looked at you.
" S-sorry, is it okay if I stay like this...?" you asked.
You felt his cold arms wrap around you, bringing you closer to him as the heavy rain hit the top of the shed.
These sudden actions even surprised him. He moved without even thinking.
"Sleep," is all he said and it went quiet.
The rain was rather loud, but with his arms gently wrapped around you like this, you couldn't help but feel comfortable as ever.
You smiled, put your hand around him and hiding your face in his chest and slowly drifting to a deep sleep.
He couldn't do anything but admire your sleeping figure. It was like he was forbidden to move or disrupt your sleep.
Yet again, he felt his cold heart start thumping and changing his regular heartbeat ,he just wanted to close his eyes and rest with you.
My lord we are 400 away from 1K reads, I swear-

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