Sleepless night

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(2nd person pov)
( May contain spelling mistakes)
The old lady never allowed you to go out after 6pm, making sure you were safe. Soon, a few months past. You hadn't seen a single demon, neither Muzan, unusual..
You and Haruo would help around the household with visitors and other things, and since you weren't allowed to go out after 6, you were safe of course, however, it made you frown whenever you thought about Muzan, you hadn't met him for a while now, and he's never seen in the daylight either, it's always after the sun sets that you happen to bump into him every time. You still had his coat that he had given you, and it smelled just like him. Perhaps he's not much of a daytime person
It was night time, and you were sitting in your room, folding some clothes. Haruo was already asleep as he played for a while with his friends.
It was rather quiet and peaceful, only the sound of clothes shuffling as you fold them and stack them up.
When you were done, you lifted them, and took them to a different room and put them on a table.
Suddenly, you had a thought. It may be very dangerous, but you wanted to go outside for a bit. You heard a guest that had come over, speak about some festival down the town tonight.
You wanted to go, but the old lady wouldn't allow you, even though there would be a lot of people.
You slowly sneaked to the door, carefully unlocking it to make sure you wouldn't disturb anyone in the house.
You were already dressed in a nice kimono, so there was nothing else to do but have a purse of money.
You slowly closed the door and ran down to the town.
You soon heard crowds of people here and there. Children running here and there, people talking and laughing together. Excitement filled up your body as you tried finding anything you'd like. You played a few games, talked to some people and won a prize for one of the games, which was a little locket, a small jewel embraided on it. You managed to buy a chain to match with the locket and hung it around your neck.
' What type of picture do I put in it..' you thought as you walked around, fiddling with the chain.
The next thing you wanted to do was eat, just eat. You ended up finding stands with food and bought a good amount.
You sat down on a bench, taking the food out of the paper bags and starting eating. You went to a silent place, somewhere you could stay in peace as the loud crowd was soon troubling to your ears.
You sat down, looking up as the crowd of the festival decreased, meaning it was over.
" It's best if I get home now.." you muttered to yourself, getting up.
You began to walk slowly back to the house, humming to yourself as the wind grew heavier, and the place had gone quiet.
It didn't bother you much as you were already full of food and happy. You soon started to skip as you heard faint footsteps far behind you. They soon got closer, making you stop and turn around.
" So you snuck out?" 
A familiar voice spoke out as your eyes widened.
" M-muzan?"
Your mouth curled upwards as you ran towards him.
" Muzan!"
You ran towards him and put your arms around him, embracing him in a bear hug.
" Hm?"
He looked at you, confused, weirded out, a bit surprised.
A mix of emotions was plastered all over his face.
You soon realized what you were doing and quickly jumped off him.
" Uhm! I'm sorry! I just, moved without thinking, It's just that..."
You nervously laughed as he walked closer towards you.
Maybe he could play around for a bit.
" Why? Don't tell me that you missed me for the past few months, we don't even know much about each other.."
He leaned in closer, as you could feel him breathing .
You backed away with a blush on your face and waved your hands frantically.
" N-no!! I mean, yes, I mean no! Ugh!!"
You groaned, pinching yourself in embarrassment, while Muzan watched you amusingly.
Which was rather unusual.
" A-anyways, how did you know I snuck out?" you asked, fixing your composure
" Isn't it obvious, you normally bring that boy around and I haven't seen you coming out at night for the past few months, it's also rather late right now..."
" I was bored at that household, there was a festival down here so I decided to come and have some fun, I even won a cute little locket!" you chuckled.
" Its, nice,"
" Well, I should be getting back home now, I'm surprised they haven't been any demon encounters yet, probably shouldn't jinx myself," you chuckled again, waving at him.
" Yes.. How odd..." he replied in a rather unusual tone.
You turned around to continue your walk, but then felt something hold your arm.
" You know your talking to a demon right now, right...?" Muzan whispered near your ear.
You felt a chill run down your spine the moment he said 'demon'. Was he talking about himself?!
" W-what..."
" I'm joking," 
He let go of you and began to chuckle. You turned at him and frowned, crossing your arms.
" Don't scare me dammit!" you shouted at him as he laughed.
He knew he had gained your trust, he knew you were comfortable with him now, and now all he needed to do was take you to the infinity fortress.
But, for some reason, he didn't want to. If seeing humans scream in terror and fear pleasured him, then that was nothing compared to this. Your smile, your laugh, the way you dressed, all of your features, he loved seeing you like this. It may sound ridiculous to him, but he didn't wan't to break your trust. He thought you were 'perfect' just the way you were.
" Well then, this is goodbye for now," he waved.
" Bye bye!" you smiled, skipping away like a child.
Why was he feeling like this? He didn't know either, whenever he see's you, his heart starts thumping, his pupils would dilate whenever you were there, making him seem 'human'.
The weight of stress he carries on his shoulders would suddenly disappear, and all he would think about was spending as much time with you as he could.
" Why does this human make me feel like this..." he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and he quickly vanished.
Meanwhile, you were in your futon, caressing your locket as you turned to your side, smiling.
It was rather odd, you met Muzan coincidently, and ever since then, you always have this feeling of comfort with him. You knew this feeling, it was love of course, but does Muzan feel the same?
He doesn't know either.

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