Younger brother

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(2nd person pov)
(New character)
You woke up to a gentle nudge.
You rubbed your eyes and looked around, until you felt another nudge on your right.
You turned around as tried finding the person.
" Who are you?" a young voice asked.
It must be the boy you saved- well, the boy Muzan saved earlier.
" Oh, I'm (Y/N), I uhm, my friend saved you from those guys yesterday night,"
" Oh, thank you for that..." he muttered as he came and sat closer to you.
" May I ask what your name is?" you asked.
" Haruo, by the way, your really pretty (Y/N)!" he replied with awe.
You chuckled, finding the boy's head and patting it.
" Well, I don't know where we are right now, I don't know how far your village is either,"
" I have never been to this place, so, I don't know how to go back to the village either..." The boy replied.
His must be missing his parents, poor kid.
" We can try to find it, then you can go back to your family," You suggested.
You suddenly felt him hug you.
" N- no! I don't want to, I'd rather stay with you (Y/N)!" The boy yelled.
" W- why?"
" I don't like my parents, they're too strict, they wanted me to be a girl when I was born, so they don't really pay much attention to me either... I'd like to stay with you instead!"
"They even hit me for no reason! see?!" he added as he took your hand to feel the bandage next to his cheek and head.
Poor kid, his parents must have been abusive.
" How old are you Haruo?" you asked as you took your hand away from his bandages.
" 10,"
And you thought he was 8.
" I see, well, of course, you can stay with me, but won't your parents try finding you?"
" I know they won't even bother to..." Haruo replied in a low voice.
You ruffled his hair and smiled.
" Cheer up, at least you have me, even though I don't know you that much, I'm sure I'll be much better than them!" you told him.
He chuckled.
" Thank you (Y/N) Nee-san,"
 You walked through the forest, holding Haruo's arm for directions.
Pretty soon, the boy stopped.
" What's wrong Haruo?"
" I see a village, but it's not mine," he spoke as he started walking to it, holding your wrist.
Soon enough, you heard a lot of people walking here and there.
" Do you by chance have any money (Y/N)?" Haruo asked.
" No... I lost my money a few days ago..." You muttered.
You both were pretty hungry, but without money, what were you going to afford?
While walking around the village, Haruo happened to find a large mansion-like household.
" Why don't we go here!" he exclaimed as he pulled you towards it.
" Hm? Who are you two?" You heard an old lady speak.
" Uhm, do you maybe have some food, for us..? Haruo asked the lady.
She sighed bringing you inside the house.
" Please sit here, I'll bring something for you poor kids," she smiled as she left you in the room.
Well, you were a young adult already.
Soon, the lady brought in something for you both to eat.
Haruo was way to hungry to be polite with the food, he put the entire thing in his mouth as crumbs fell down.
The old lady chuckled as she saw how wild Haruo was behaving.
" You two, where did you come from? I haven't seen you both in the village before.. Are you perhaps travelers?" She asked.
" Uhm, well, we got lost from our village," Haruo replied as he swallowed his food.
" Oh, do you need help to get back?" The old lady asked again.
" NO! I- I mean, our village is a bit dangerous, we'd rather not go back," Haruo stuttered.
You stayed silent, eating your food.
" Mhm, well then, I guess you can stay here for the meantime," The old lady replied.
" Really? That would be great! thank you," you said as you finished your last bit of food.
She smiled.
" Well then, I best get going, I have to get some things ready because someone else will be coming tonight," The old lady replied as she got up.
" You both may rest here for the meantime," she added as she walked away, closing the door behind her.
" Ah, I'm full!" Haruo sighed as he leaned on you.
You chuckled at his behavior and patted his head.
It was night time and you were getting your futon and Haruo's futon ready for bed.
The visitors that the old lady had mentioned arrived.
You wanted to see them, but the lady said that they were tired from their 'mission' and so they need some rest.
Just as you placed your pillow on the futon, the door slammed opened and you heard two people running around, no three people running around.
" Get back here Tanjiro!!!" A whiny voice yelled as he chased the other two around.
The voice was somewhat familiar, especially when you heard the name Tanjiro.
"Mhm mhm!" a muffled voice yelled as they run around you.
Soon, they noticed your baffled face standing still.
" Hm? Oh, (Y/N)-san?" you heard Tanjiro say.
" Tanjiro? Is that you?"
" Yes! Wow, what a coincidence seeing you here!" Tanjiro replied smiling.
Soon, you felt a someone hug your arm.
" Zenitsu! First your chasing my sister, and now her?!" Tanjiro yelled as he tried to pluck Zenitsu off your arm.
" But Tanjiro! I missed (Y/N)-chan so muchhh!" Zenitsu wailed as he jumped on you again.
"(Y/N) ?" You heard Haruo speak.
They all turned to Haruo who had just come from the bathroom.
" Oh, Hello there!" Tanjiro greeted.
" Uhm, hi? Who are you guys, and what are you doing in our room?" Haruo asked as he walked towards you, glaring at the yellowed haired boy who was hugging you.
" And who are you...?" Zenitsu glared back at Haruo.
" I'm her brother!" Haruo shot back.
" B- brother?" You asked in confusion.
" Now get off of her!" Haruo yelled as he pushed Zenitsu off of you.
" Haruo, its fine," you nervously spoke.
" Hmph, but that boy looks ugly," Haruo scoffed.
A tick mark appeared on Zenitsu's face.
" Ooh! But she's pretty!" He suddenly spoke pointing at a girl with a bamboo stick on her mouth.
" Oh, that's my sister Nezuko!" Tanjiro said.
She then came up to you and patted both of your head, muffling some words.
" Is she okay?" You asked concerned.
" So she's a demon," you replied as Nezuko leaned on your shoulder.
" Yes, and you can't have her Haruo," Zenitsu growled.
" I don't want her anyway! I just said she's pretty that's all!" Haruo yelled as the two of them, started headbutting each other.
You pulled Haruo back and gave him a small pinch.
" Well then, it's getting late, you all should get to bed,' You heard the old lady speak as she opened the door.
" Oh, yes, sorry for bothering you (Y/N)-san, we'll be off to our rooms then, Inosuke is probably asleep by now," Tanjiro said as he got up.
" Alright then, goodnight you guys!" you smiled as they all left the room.
You and Haruo got into your futons and turned off the light.
" Hey, (Y/N)?" Haruo spoke in the middle of the darkness.
" Yes?"
" I know we only just met today, and this may be a bit stupid and weird, but I like you a lot like a family member , can you be my sister...?" Haruo muttered.
It went silent for a while.
He wants you to be his sister, even though that's not possible by law, you also liked the boy, having a 'little brother' wouldn't be so bad, you did have an older brother anyways.
" I don't mind," you finally said.
" Then can I call you (Y/N) Nee-san?" He asked a bit excited.
" Of course," you laughed.
You both laughed and smiled and the dark room. As the laughing cooled down, Haruo turned around.
" Goodnight then (Y/N) Nee-san!" he smiled as he shut his eyes.
" Goodnight.."

Thank you some much for 1K+ reads :D
I'm really grateful for it. My Sanemi story only has 368, but I'm really grateful for those as well.
I got like 19 notifications today, you guys XD
This may have gramaricall or spelling errors, but I don't have enough time to fix that so sorry.

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