Just a boring day.

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(2nd person pov)
( Has a bit of spoilers?)
Opening your eyes after a rough night, you searched for the sheets which were probably ruined by your and Muzan's liquids.

Covering yourself, you began to go back on all the things that happened yesterday, your back still aching after... How many rounds?
Almost 4-

You were shocked yourself, how were you even able to take all that?  You tried different positions, some were rather uncomfortable but you still went with them. The amount of pleasure you felt, how big and deep he was-

Your deep thoughts soon vanished as something placed their hand on your head, ruffling your soft hair.
" Well good morning," A  deep voice hummed as they kissed your forehead.

It was obviously Muzan.
" I thought you were still in the bed," You spoke.
" Silly (Y/N), Im a demon, I don't need to sleep," He chuckled, remembering that he laid on the bed with you until you fell asleep, making sure not to wake you up, he had left the room to do his own business.

" Iv left clothes for you in the bathroom, you can walk right?" He teased, remembering how much he violated your gentle and soft body.

" W-what?! What makes you think I cant?!" You shouted, jumping up to sit.
Sure your back was aching a lot, but its not like a few rounds could keep you bedridden right?

Placing your feet on the floor, you slowly got up, taking a few uncomfortable steps to the bathroom, opening the knob.

" Alright, one of the demons will bring you food, don't forget, your not allowed to go out okay?" He said, leaving the room.

You hesitantly nodded, going into the bathroom, finally, you can have a shower and change into some clothes.
" Yes, I saw her with him, Im sure it was him..." He replied to Tomioka as he looked down.
" if only I protected her... She wouldn't have gone with him if I ran with her.."

" You did what's best, there's no way you could escape with her unscathed," Tomioka said as the boy silently nodded.
" It's a problem isn't it Tomioka-san," Shinobu spoke, almost frowning as her smiling face dropped.

The thought of you even liking the demon was torture for them, how can they kill Muzan if there's someone who actually cares about that cunning creature.

Rengoku had already been killed because of them, and now Uzui, Tanjiro and his team had gone for another important mission. 
" Thank you for your time, and don't worry, we'll promise to bring her back safe okay?" Shinobu spoke to the boy.

Will they really though? Will they actually find you? Its not like you would go with them, you could even be dead by the time they find you.
Doma sat on your bed, legs crossed as he leaned against his left hand, which rested on his knee.
" You know I notice something different in you today~" He hummed, grinning as his half lidded eyes stared into your blind ones.

" R-really?" You stuttered, looking down as you rubbed the back of your neck.
The candles which were the only source of light dimly lit up the room as Doma raised an eyebrow.

" Mhm, is the headboard too hard for your back or something? You keep shuffling around," He spoke as he came closer, gently flicking the wooden headboard area which was near your shoulder with his middle finger and thumb.

" N-no!" You replied, nervously moving his hand away.
" Then why are you squirming so much?" He asked.

What the hell are you supposed to say!? You and Muzan made out 4 times and your back hurts like hell?
" Its none of your business," You shot out, completely forgetting that this being could behead you in less than 2 seconds.

" It isn't, but I want to know," He spoke, getting closer to you.
Gulping, you harshly pushed him away, and within milliseconds, you felt your face roughly held by his two hands.

" You know I like to do this to people who don't know how speak to demons properly, I'll have you know that my fingers can easily dig through your soft little cheeks," He muttered harshly, examining your sudden and afraid expression.

There's no way you'll survive this, Muzan isn't even here to protect you!

" O-okay Okay!! Me and Muzan made out!" You shouted, gripping firmly onto his pale hands.
He quickly let go of you, laughing like a mad man.

" You crazy girl! I wasn't actually going to kill you, you think I'd survive Muzan- sama's wrath? Hahaha!" He laughed, making your cheeks flush with heat as you held them with your palms, looking down.

" But I really didn't think your answer would be that, I didn't know you were that type of girl," He spoke as you sighed.
" And I didn't think that that Demon Lord would even think of doing that.." He mumbled under his breath, his forced smile slightly dropping as his eyes stayed squinted.
" So you didn't kill the boy?" 
Akaza dropped his head as he kneeled down, sitting on the window seal.

"Yes, But I still killed the-"
" I do not care whether you killed that Hashira, you should have killed both of them," Muzan harshly spoke in his childish form, glaring at the Red velvet's face as he tightly held his book.

" I promise I'll do it if I ever see him again," Akaza muttered as Muzan left the room.

He gritted his teeth, clenching his fists as he began to go over what he had done. Rengoku was killed, can't Muzan at least praise him for that?

" He's always with the pesky human girl, always spoiling her. What's so special about her when she doesn't even have a drop of Demon tendencies," He growled under his breath, his hand soon bleeding from the pressure of his fingers gripping his palm.

" Why can't she just disappear,"


Sorry this chapter was really short, I still haven't read the manga and I kind of want to follow the story line.
This story will go on a Hiatus until I read at least another half of the manga so I have plot ideas. May take a while But I hope you all won't forget about it and wait patiently till I come back with a new chapter ^^.
I don't know when I will continue this book cause Im really lazy to read the manga, But hopefully it won't be long.

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