Got You

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(2nd person pov)
(a bit of nsfw, BOobS :> )( May have gramatical and spelling errors)
The door, no one was there. The demon was not there, no one of was near, the door still needed to be fixed.
You could escape.

You jumped off your bed, slowly creeping near the door as you payed attention to any footsteps. (This is not a the infinity fortress just a place Muzan had kept for you and he puts demons in it to look after you)
Most of the footsteps were in rooms, and and only one was walking around the hallway, Muzan. Your small footsteps tip toed out the room, hiding in corners as demons walked around.
You payed attention to any of them exiting the house, and one of them did.
The door was far, but it would be worth it to escape this hellhole.
" Thanks Doma.." You muttered as you remembered the only demon that was fun and cheery. Muzan was nowhere in your  mind right now as your only goal was escaping.

You got closer and closer to the exit. 

Placing your hand on the handle, you carefully twisted it, creaking the door open.
You were almost done! Your free!

" And where do you think your going..?"

A chill went up your spine as your breath hitched, your shivering hands dropping off the doorknob. You had finally felt the cool air of the outside, the happiness of escape soon turned into a dread.
The dread of being caught by the one person you didn't want to.
You gulped, clenching your fists gently.

His footsteps walked towards you, putting his cold hand on your shoulder, making you slightly gasp.
" I don't remember giving you permission to exit this place," He hummed, slowly pulling you back in as he shut the door, locking it.
" Lets go to another room now shall we," He spoke, holding your hand tightly as he walked through hallways, opening a door and pushing you onto the bed.

You quickly sat up on the edge of the bed, afraid of what might happen.
He brought a chair and sat in front of you, resting his head on his palm as he glared at you.
" Tell me why you decided it was a good idea to try escaping from your home Hm?" He asked as his piercing ruby eyes stared into yours.

You knew by his tone that he was already mad, and you didn't know what to say, if you mess up he might end up getting even more angry.
" I'm waiting for you answer. Was it because you didn't like staying here? Was the food not enough? Did you not like the comfort of your room? Were the clothes tight? Tell me right now," He asked again, leaning closer to your sweating face.

" I.. I.."
You mumbled something under your breath, unable for the man to hear you.
" Enough, its useless trying to ask a question that's very obvious," He spoke, throwing the chair to the side it broke, the wooden pieces flying.
 Okay he was mad.
Really mad.

He sighed, coming closer to you as his cold palm caressed your cheek.
" You know I don't want to hurt you right, so I thought you would behave, but it looks like you've taken everything I've given you for granted," he muttered, his breath tickling your nose.

" So I'll have to punish you right..?" 
Punish?! what type of punishment?!"
Adrenaline began to rise as your heart began to pound faster, you thought you felt your body actually vibrating.

You felt his other hand roam down to your waist, then going down to your thigh, rubbing it.
" Eeep!" You mumbled, grabbing his hand from doing anything else.
Pft, as if you could even do anything against his inhuman strength, he could rip your hand off if he wanted to.

" D- don't go there..." You muttered as his hand came up to your face.
" And why do I need to listen to you..?" He chuckled.
Yeah, why does he have to listen to you, you were the once who got yourself into this, you have to get out yourself.

Suddenly, you felt his lips crash onto yours roughly.
With no warning at all either
" H- Wai-"
It was no use speaking, he had already got you.
His hands clenched onto your waist, lifting you off the bed. You had nothing to hold onto except him, so as your brain told you to, your hands quickly went around his neck as your dangling legs  gently wrapped around his lower body.
You didn't have any intentions, not at all. You were just cautious of your well-being.
If he let go of you you could hit your head or worse.

And just as you were going to try pushing him away, you felt something near your legs go up.
He got hard-
When the realization hit you, you gasped.
As if Muzan knew you would do that, he decided to slip his tongue inside the kiss.
As if battling for land, your tongues fought each other for independence. But it was no use, he had won. The kiss had just gotten even more heated.
Exploring every part of your mouth, he brought you to the wall as pressed you against it, letting go of the kiss.
Muzan smirked, observing your flustered face full of shame. 
" P-put me down.." You muttered.
" Oh what..?" He purred next to your ear.
You knew that this was bad, but then why.
Why did you feel so weak towards his words, why did you want to obey him? 
He placed kisses near your neck, going down until he reached your collarbone. While enjoying himself, You suddenly winced when he kissed a specific spot.
You didn't now how to describe it, but whatever it was, Muzan liked it. He kept licking that spot, kissing and sucking it as you slightly whimpered.
You didn't know how to describe this feeling. It's good? No, its bad? No.
Its, weirdly good?
Vocabulary wasn't in your favor.
Leaving a few hickeys here and there, he came towards your chest, slipping off the top of your dress as he pulled the hem of your bra.
" Ah! N-no-" You stuttered, pushing of his hands as you lost your balance, falling to the ground on your bum.
" Silly (Y/N), you shouldn't do any dangerous things," he hummed, crouching down as he placed his hand behind your back, slowly unclipping the last piece of clothing that covered your upper body.
you quickly held it on you, looking away as you tried to put it back, which was in vain as he quickly grabbed your hands, the bra falling on your lap.

Embarrassed, you covered your face. He had violated your personal space, your body, everything.
He kissed one of your nips, slowly nibbling and licking it, as he used it hand to pinch your other nipple.
Why did it feel nice?!
It shouldn't right? This man, who had done this without your consent, is making you feel good?!
You bit your lip, trying to not make any lewd noises.
He soon took his mouth off your breast, the cold air touching the warm saliva that had been on you.
Your felt your inner thighs starting to feel a bit wet, just from this?!
You squeezed your legs together, trying to keep it from dripping any more.
" I can tell you like this right..?" He asked, massaging your other breast.
You were ashamed, but pleasured at the same time, how is this even happening?

Suddenly, the door slammed open as a demon shouted.
" Muzan-Sama! I-"
You quickly hid yourself in Muzan's chest, trying to cover yourself as best as possible. The angry lord clicked his tongue, turning to the demon. This peasant just ruined the demon lords moment.
The demon whimpered, stuttering out words.
" T- There's s-some t- t- trouble going on w-with the de-mons outside!" 
" Alright, get out now I'll be come out in a bit," Muzan sighed as the demon nodded, slowly closing the door.
" Looks like this is it for now," Muzan said, getting up as he adjusted his suit, walking away.
Phew, you were safe.
As you quickly put your bra back on, clipping it, Muzan then chuckled.
" But don't think I'll just let you off that easily dear..~" 


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