Hole in the Heart

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(This chapter will contain Death and Angst)

(2nd person pov)
You woke up to a gentle shake, and the familiar feminine voice.
" (Y/N), wake up,"
You opened your eyes and sat up on the futon.
" Good morning," you greeted Senju's mother.
She chuckled.
You went to the bathroom and changed, then with the help of Senju, you went down for breakfast.
At evening, Senju had been out to play with his friends. You and his mother were at home. It was rather silent and the only noise you heard in the house was his mother preparing dinner in the kitchen.
You were in the room, folding some clothes cause you felt like helping them a bit. You suddenly heard footsteps coming to the room, obviously Senju's mother.
" (Y/N), I have a request, If you don't mind, could you go with my younger brother to get some fish quickly?" She asked.
You nodded, getting up and putting your folded clothes on the bed. You went to the door and felt someone near.
" So she is (Y/N), Nee-san?" A low voice asked.
" Yes, please take care of her," she replied.
" Alrighty, you can call me Mizu!"
You were walking around a crowded area which seemed like an outdoor market.
You held onto The man's shirt so you wouldn't get lost. 
Once he stopped, you heard him speak to the fisherman. You let go of his shirt and walked front.
" What type of fish did she ask?" you asked him.
" Oh, she said she wanted Salmon," Mizu  replied.
You felt a tug on your trousers, so you looked down.
" H- have you seen her?" A young voice cracked. 
It sounded like a young boy.
" I'm sorry, seen who?"
" O-oka-san," he stuttered, gripping onto your trousers tightly.
So he lost his mother, poor kid. You could help him, but you were blind, you don't even know how her footsteps sound like. But you couldn't leave this boy alone.
" H-how does she look like?"
" Like y-ou, B-But her eyes are- different," The boy replied sniffling.
You patted his head, trying to comfort him.
" Hm? What's wrong?" Mizu asked.
You turned to him.
" This boy is looking for his mother, I'll help him and come back home, I know the directions," you replied to him.
" But your, How could you find her?" 
" I know my ways, I'll back don't worry," you insisted, holding the boys arm.
Mizu nodded.
" Alright then, take care," he told, walking off.
" Alright then, where did you see your mother last?" you asked the boy crouching down.
" W-We were I-in the C-clothes, Shop, I- I ran to a different please and L-lost her,"
" I see," you replied.
You held his hand and got up, asking direction to the clothes store.
It was crowded, too crowded.
The store had so many people, how were you going to Identify anyone here?
You sighed, asking people if they had seen someone like you searching for their son. No one had a reply.
It took a long time till stumbled upon a voice. A voice rather far from here. They weren't in the store, they were out, calling for someone.
" Kota! Kota!"
You looked at the boy.
" Is your name Kota by any chance?" you asked him.
" Mhm," he replied.
Then that must be his mother calling out for him. You took the boy in your hand and rushed to where the voice was coming from. You got closer to it, and finally it sounded that it was near you.
" Hey! I have Kota!" you spoke out loud to gain the worried woman's attention.
You heard footsteps run towards you and then the boy let go of your hand.
" Oka-san!!!" He cried out.
" Kota! Where were you, I was searching everywhere! Don't scare me like that!" the mother replied.
You couldn't see them, but it felt good that you helped them. 
" Thank you for finding him!" you heard the mother thanking you.
" Oh, its no problem," you chuckled.
" Is there any way I can help you?" She asked you.
You thought it wouldn't hurt if she took you back to Senju's home.
" Senju? Oh yes, I have met his mother before! I'll take you there don't worry,"
" Thank you," you replied.
" You can stop here, I can go by myself," you told them, stopping.
You had reaching the pathway to the house, so you could walk by yourself.
"Alright then, take care," The woman said, walking away with her child.
You waved at them and continued walking, but once you got close enough to hear what's going on in the house, you heard nothing, no footsteps, well there was one, and only one, it was walking very slowly from side to side.
You were confused, who would do that? Afraid that something must have happened, you starting to run. Once you were at the door, your shaking hand creaked opened the door.
" S-senju? Ma'am?" you stuttered, slowly walking inside.
Suddenly, the footsteps that were walking side to side stop.
You gulped, they must have heard you. You walked into the kitchen, no one, nothing. 
You searched the living room, nothing.
You went to Senju's room. You breathing right behind you. You were to scared to even move, as you smelled a bit of flesh. There wasn't much, but you could smell it.
" W-who's T-there,".
" (Y/N), they're dead, a demon came to get them," You heard a deep voice.
You recognized it immediately and the words from the demon you met yesterday. This was Muzan.
You turned around facing him.
" M- muzan?! What are you doing here?!"
He sighed. He was here for you, but he couldn't tell that of course, he needed your full trust before he could.
" I was around the area and a saw a demon run here, I came after it and there were pieces of flesh everywhere, probably belonged to the people who were here..." He muttered.
" N-no, no no no, they have to be alive!" you shouted.
You told yourself that there are here, they must be hiding, you kept trying to fight back the urge to cry.
Again, more people died. There always people who were with you. First its your family, then your caretaker, now Senju and his mother. None of them deserved this, none of them. 
 " I searched, they weren't here and no one came out of the house,"
You denied what Muzan told you. It was hard, but you finally accepted it, they were gone. They had no connection to you, and yet they died because the demons were after you. If you were just caught, then no more innocent people would have had to die. You felt bad, too bad.
You couldn't hold you tears anymore and just let them all out. Wailing right in front of the man in front of you.
" It's all my fault, those stupid demons are after me! Everyone is dying because of me! why was I even born to this rare family?! Every single fucking time! Someone who I know dies!"
You sputtered all your thoughts, everything.
Muzan just stood there, staring at your vulnerable and sobbing state.
This wasn't anything new to him, he's witnessed this before and normally he would walk away and not give a shit about it. This was nothing to him, as he was a selfish creature, only wanting his own desires.
But something was off right now. He didn't think this was normal, he wasn't amused by this or any sort of happy energy. It was the complete opposite. He felt doubtful, confused, negative.
For the first time, he had felt Guilt.
Guilt, for this weak woman. Guilt for his target.
  Why? He thought to himself.
You suddenly spoke again with your stuttering voice.
" M-muzan, a-are you also going to disappear like the rest....?"
That sentence sent daggers to his chest, and they weren't something he wanted to experience.
If any human being said that, He'd scrunch his face in disgust and kill them, but he couldn't, not to the woman in front of him. this pain he felt made him confused. This wasn't something he was used to. It felt like A hole.
A hole in his heart.
Bro this got like 60 reads in one day, I'm fucking shook. You guys love Muzan Jackson don't you :D

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