Go To Sleep.

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(2nd person pov)
(Got some Idea's from jiminjamms Muzan story, check it out too if you like c:)
Every word Tanjiro spoke made you tremble.
The way he described him was the complete opposite than you thought he was. The nice, gentle and caring Muzan, was actually a cunning, selfish demon lord?
It was true that he would only come at night, but you kept thinking that it was probably because he was a night time person. 
But everything made sense.
His cold body, his harshness towards demons, the sharp nails, everything.
It was because he was a demon.
" He's going after you for your blood!" Tanjiro said.
Yes, you should have listened to that demon who tried to help you.
They warned you, they gave you information, but you denied it all. You were naïve.
He was only after your blood, taking one step at a time to gain your trust, and then take you away.

The love you felt for him was slowly decreasing.
Even the hairpin he gave you felt like almost nothing anymore.
" I.. I see..."
" I know (Y/N), your probably already too close to him, but if the demon corps find out about your relationship with the demon lord, they'll use you to bait him, not only that but worse things could happen,"
You turned around, beginning to walk away.
" (Y/N)?"
" Well then, goodbye Tanjiro, maybe I'll see you another day?" You said, waving.
Tanjiro knew you were hurt, betrayed. But what else could he do? It was his job to warn you of the dangers.
Your fingers caressed the hairpin, putting it in your drawer as you shut it, careful to not wake Haruo up.
Pulling your futon blanket, you stayed there, feeling all sort of negativity.
Muzan had shown no signs of any bloodlust or demonic behavior in front of you. You wanted to trust Tanjiro, and you did.
But still, you couldn't forget what Muzan had done for you.
Saving you millions of times, taking you out, talking to you.
How could you forget those moments?
Maybe you should just go sleep, yeah.
The next night, you couldn't sleep.
Even though your brother was already asleep like always, you couldn't stop thinking about Muzan. 
Of course it was silly, but still.
Maybe a late night walk will tire you a bit.

You carefully slide open the window, climbing out in the cold atmosphere. You didn't bother wearing anything to make you feel warm as you were too busy to think about that.
There was less snow today, so you were able to walk a bit faster than yesterday.
You walked around the quiet town, as only a few people were walking back to their home. Some gave you curious looks on why you were out at this time of night, but it didn't bother you.
As you walked for what seemed like forever, you started to get hungry. A weird time to get hungry as it already late.

" What brings you here at this time of the night (Y/N)? Did you know I was coming?"
You stopped walking and smiled. Of course Muzan would be the only one coming at this time.
Wait, Muzan.
You stood their, your face turning pale as you stared into nothing.
Muzan walked towards you, leaning over.
" What's wrong? It seems like you had just seen a ghost, not that you could though,"
" Eh, I Uh, I just came out to walk for a bit, I didn't feel like sleeping! I Uhm, g-gotta go now!" You stuttered, having no way out of this.
" Hm? Why can't we stay for a while?" He asked.

You didn't know what to say, you were already stressed by all the things Tanjiro had mentioned, you couldn't think of anything else.
Muzan stayed there, waiting for you response which never came. He knew exactly what had happened. The person he had decided to let go yesterday had told you something. Either they were just a villager or a demon slayer. 
It was best if he took you now, or else there wouldn't be much of a chance for him to see you again. 
" I have an Idea, You at the age for drinking aren't you..?" Muzan asked as he backed away, hoping you would give a positive response.

Drinking huh.

You never did try drinking, neither were you even allowed to. The caretaker was careful to keep you as innocent as ever, giving you only the proper knowledge you needed to know. 
Alcohol  was never shown or kept near you.
But maybe it wouldn't hurt to try it.. right?
You didn't think about the consequences that could happen with it though.
" I.. Guess.."
Why didn't you use your brain in the first place..?
Your aching head lied on the wooden table as you held your empty bear mug, hands crossed as they covered your head.
You could tell that drinking was something that wasn't for you.

The entire bar was rather full despite the late time, you were even able to recognize a few women as well, which was rather odd since normal women stay at home getting their 'beauty sleep' by now.
Muzan sat next to you, completely fine as he sipped his mug. He had drank way more than you, but he was still sitting up straight.
His tolerance was way higher than yours.

The bitter taste stung your mouth as you groan, tossing your head on the table.
Muzan looked at you, smirking to himself as his plan was working. He wasn't going to take you by force, as you were already at a stage he had never thought of.
You felt someone pour more beer into your mug.
" Its unusual for people like you to come here, take this as an extra," A man spoke as he walked towards Muzan, pouring a cup for him too.

You sloppily looked up, regretting that you came here. The cup felt full, and you didn't want to leave it be.
You carefully took sips as your head starting hurting more. It wasn't long until you dropped the mug on the table, careful not to spill it. Once again, your head dropped down.
" Shall I drink the rest for you..?" Muzan asked.
You nodded, keeping your head low as you kept thinking about Tanjiro's words.

The pain you felt was horrible, not only from the alcohol, but from thinking too much as well.
You were shocked that you didn't even throw up yet. You will soon though, as you felt your stomach heat up and hurt.
Muzan took your cup, drinking it all as if it was water. He didn't make a face nor any movement.
This was probably another reason to why you believed Tanjiro.
Unfortunately, Alcohol decided to betray you.

" Muzan, why don't you even come in the morning..?" You blurted out as you head stung, your weak and unsteady body looking up.
Muzan sat there, the bear mug in his hand midair.
" I'm not a morning person... I prefer night.." He replied, looking away.

His tone wasn't that convincing to you, but you were already too tired to think about it.
Your limp body leaned over on Muzan, The odor of beer was all over you.
You both sat there quiet, as other people covered your voices, talking, laughing, gossiping.
You thought you would just fall asleep, but you didn't, instead, your body wanted to answer more of your questions.

" Why do demons fear you...?"
" I don't know, I'm just strong..?" Muzan replied to your question.
Once again, you didn't believe it, and you asked more questions.

" Why are people afraid of you?".
" Do you have your own business?"
" How are you always there to rescue me?"

His face tensed up with every word you said, getting irritated.
You couldn't stop asking, and your drunken state wouldn't stop you either. The questions were personal, too personal for him to answer, causing him to stay quiet.
Lucky for him, your stomach started to feel bad as you felt a lump in your throat.

You gagged, jolting up from your seat as your numb legs began to search for a restroom.
' Restroom, restroom!' you thought to yourself, finally finding it as you heard another woman walk towards one as well.

You ran in, going to one of the stalls, waiting for yourself to throw up as Muzan waited outside for you.
He heard your continuous gagging and coughing as you kneeled near the toilet seat.
Once you were done, you groggily walked out, going near the sink to wash your mouth. 
It wasn't long until you felt dizzy and light- headed, collapsing on the floor as the last thing you heard was the running tap and Muzan.
" Go to sleep, I'll take you home.."

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