Im so Sorry

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( No picture I cound find, so whatever-)
( From now on, the storyline is going to have a lot of spoilers from the manga so keep that in mind)( Angst and mentions of blood)
(2nd person POV)
"" Y/N" Muzan called you out as you jumped of your comfy bed.
You nodded, standing in front of him as your heard another  deep breath next to him.

" This is Kitsuka, your new friend, I got her so you can be busy while I'm gone, as you know I have a lot of work now so you need some entertainment right?"  He spoke as if the person was an object like a toy.

" Uh... Sure?"  you replied as the girl came in front of you.
" H-hello," She  stuttered.

" Hello Kitsuka, My name's (Y/N)! Hope we can get along even though there's an entire demon lord with us," You jokingly spoke as you laughed.

" Thank you, come back again!" The old man waved as you lifted the bag of foodstuff into your palm.

" You bought a lot didn't you?" Kitsuka chuckled as you nodded.
" I got a good amount of money from Muzan so yeah! We need to eat a lot," You replied, walking with the young girl through the path.

You two had become good friends, and it was nice to have a person to talk too when Muzan was gone. For some reason, he was even more busy now, always meeting up with the upper blood moons. Doma never told you anything, so you let it be.

As you came back to your secret house, you placed the food in the kitchen that had somehow appeared after a week or so.
" A-ah Y/N, I really gotta go to the bathroom! I'll cook a little later okay?" She nervously chuckled, running out of the room even before you said anything.

Even though Kitsuka was a really good friend, she was always leaving you out o the blue and would run somewhere, even out of the house in the middle of the night.
It was odd, but you can't judge her, everyone has their own little story.

As you walked towards you room, you laid on the bed, waiting for her to arrive.
Just staring into nothing was enough for you to fall asleep.
A month later, you were walking with Kitsuka, through the forest.
You knew what was happening, but why didn't you stop? You could have knocked her out and ran back to Muzan.
Kitsuka held her sword tightly as she held both your arms and walked behind you, pushing and turning you from side to side, as if giving you directions.

" You're a true fool aren't you, you got out in the sunlight so many times, yet you never though of escaping that human eating monster, did he brainwash you or something?" Kitsuka spoke as she guided you through the forest.

" Im not brainwashed..." You muttered as she forcefully pushed you to walk faster.

Waking up and being dragged on the rough rocks was already painful, now she wants you to walk faster?
" Now, while we're on the way to the Ubuyashiki estate, you have to answer some of my questions," Kitsuka spoke.
Now she wants to force things out of you.
I only you had doubted her sooner, you could have avoided this-

What are you thinking?!She's helping you leave that hellhole once and fall for all! Right....?
You couldn't decide, you love that hellhole don't you?

" First question, What are Muzan's plans?" She asked.
" I don't know, he just says that he's busy, all I know is that he's contacting with upper moons a lot, I heard it from Doma," You replied as you obeyed her commands, afraid she would do something to you.

" And who's this Doma you are speaking about?" She asked next.

" One of the upper moons, that all I know about him," You bluntly replied.

" I see,".
" Well then, could you explain about the little hairpin on your hair? You wear it everyday," She requested as if she knew it wasn't from a human.
" I got it from Muzan, he gave it to me a long time ago..." You quickly replied.

" Tch, disgusting," She cringed as she yanked the hairclip harshly off your hair, throwing it on the ground and stepping on it multiple times.

"H-hey!" You shouted, hearing the crushing of the clip, you could tell it was already beyond mendable.
" You should keep things from killers and murderers," She harshly said, pushing you forward.

" Why do you even keep such a thing? What's so special about that fucking demon," She asked.
" I bet your lovers, disgusting, Imagine what your dead family would have though-"

"Don't bring my family into this!" You immediately shouted at her.
Sure she can curse at you and Muzan, but in now way is she allowed to even mutter a word about the dead.

" Oh what? your talking back? Pfft, as if it'll scare me. Your going to get punished from the demon corps, so be prepared, maybe I should joke about you have sex with that beast,"  She laughed.

This girl wasn't human, or didn't have a human mind.

" So what if I already did that?" You smirked as she stopped in her tracks.

" What?"
" I asked what if I already made out with the 'beast'," You shot back as her laughing face dropped.

A sharp pain hit your arm as you felt blood drip down your clothes.

" Gah!"

" You can't be serious now, your telling me that your going to have a fucking demon child?!" She shouted, kicking you to the ground.

"W-what?!No! When did I-" You coughed through your tears.
She kicked you multiple times, cursing and cursing.

" Your a menace! A Demon yourself! I might as well kill you and that child of yours! After all, your husband killed my child!" She cursed.
A- Child? She had a child?!

She was only 23, how could she have a child this young?!

" What?!" You asked through your painful breaths.
It was unbelievable, you could think of Muzan killing her child and then taking her in.

" You know what, I'll just tell Ubuyashiki-Sama that your dead and make up more lies to cover up your death," She chuckled through her angry tears.

D-death?! She's going to kill you?!

"N-no Don't!" You shouted as her sharp sword pierced through your hips, turning inside your organs.

Screaming and crying was all that could be heard from the distance as she stabbed and stabbed you.
Everything was numb, you knew it, you were going to die.
It was a very stupid thing to do, you should have just kicked her and tried shouting for help, buts its too late now.

All you could hear were the old voices and things people said to you. Your mothers gentle voice, your brothers cheery laugh, your fathers whispers, Muzan's humble voice.

" Im sorry I did this... Im really sorry, if I could make up then I would! Im sorry mother, I feel in love with the wrong man, I'm so sorry Nii-chan, I couldn't become a demon slayer like you," You muttered all your sudden regrets, crying as the pain started to numb away, your blood  pooling under you.

The last you heard was her very faint footsteps walking away.

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