Pit of comfort

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(2nd person pov)
(May contain spellings mistakes)
Muzan walked through the forest, lightened by the moonlight as the low sound of animal's whispered through the wind.
A demon appeared in front him, bowing down to his lord as he spoke.
" My lord, we have gotten rid of four of the demon slayers,".
" And what happened to the fifth one?" Muzan asked as the demon gulped.
" H-he escaped, with a lost arm though.."
" And I told you to kill all of them,"

The demon knew that there was no chance of escaping this, so he patiently waited with his head down. Soon, his entire body was crushed into pieces by the flesh monster coming out of Muzan's hand.

It soon dissolved back to his hand and he walked away, feeling irritated.
A group of demon slayers had found him and kept spying on him to see where he was going. There was a lot of backup he had get rid of as well. He was too stressed to let that demon be free. Damn if he had another demon show up in front of him, he'd kill it without hesitation.
He walked around, trying to calm himself down.
This entire night was too much for him. It's almost as if he felt tired, despite already devouring seven to thirteen humans already.
" Nee san, are you sure about this?"
" Yes Haruo! I did it two weeks ago, and I did it twice! We can do it again I promise!" You reassured Haruo as you carefully undid the lock on the door and walked out.
You were sneaking out again since Haruo's friends were going to sneak out as well to play outside.
It was dangerous of course, but you wanted Haruo to be with his friends and you could also find Muzan again as well, if he would be there. Why always Muzan? You were always thinking about him. How is he doing, where is he right now, is he asleep? Yes, you knew you were somewhat in love with this man you had coincidently met.
He  had only spoken to you seriously one, other than that, he was kind, fun, calm and collected. That was what you thought.
Haruo and you skipped down the path and went to the place his friends were supposed to be.
As you arrived, you could hear one of them shout.
" Haruo! You here!"
Haruo ran to them as you found a place to sit down.
All of them started running, playing run and catches. You rested you head on your palm and smiled to yourself. They were rather loud, which assured you that you tell if one of them went missing. You soon frowned, remembering that demons could be lurking around anywhere, and could easily find you all with all the noise.
Well, you didn't need to worry about that right now, at least that's what you thought. 
Just half an hour later, all of them ran away, you could hear them.
You got up, feeling nervous as they didn't come back.
" H-Haruo? Everyone?" you shouted as you walked around.
No response.
Maybe they were going back home and forgot about you, yeah that's it, it has to be it right? You didn't mind them forgetting you of course they were still kids. But what if they were.. No no, you had to think positive. 
' I'll just go back home, Haruo must be there..!' you thought, finding your way out of the crowded trees. What an eerie place to play as well.
" Y/n, what a weird place to meet.."
You turned around, backing away as you couldn't recognize the voice at first.
" Hm? Why are you scared, can you see me or something...?"
You managed to recognize it for the second time and sighed.
" It's just you, phew," 
" Don't tell me you forgot how I sounded like did you?" Muzan replied, chuckling at you.
" Eh, W-well yeah, I'm just cautious.. okay..?"
" Hm? Why is that.. Did something happen..?" he asked you, as his pupils shrunk.
He specifically told all demon's not to harm you.
" B-because, n- never mind!"
" Anyways, what are you here for?" you asked.
" Stress," He bluntly replied.
Stress? Is he a businessman?
" Stress, I see,"
You then sat down on the grass, patting next to you for him to come sit down. He sat down, confused.
" If your stressed then don't overwork yourself. Take breaks, have a nap or something, think of good things, go to a place that calms you down," you said, hoping it wasn't weird for him to hear something like that.
" Hmph, easy for you to say that, your a woman and you can't work," he teased, smiling.
" Eh? I'm just trying to help sheesh!" You shot back at him.
You suddenly brought his head to your lap as you kept your hand on his head, taking of his fedora and laying it aside. He looked up at you, clearly puzzled.
" Just rest dummy," you said as he turned away from you.
Why were you doing this, was it just instinct? Or was it because you had feelings for him.
He soon felt your fingers run through his hair. He didn't mind it, in fact, he didn't make a move once you did it. He closed his eyes, somewhat enjoying it-
Your soft, somewhat small fingers, patting his head, and playing with his curly hair.
He smiled, soon taking one of your hands off his head and holding it, caressing it.
You felt flustered as he did that, his larger hand wrapped around yours.
It was a silent moment, no talking, just non-verbal communication.
You sighed, using your other hand to repeat the head rubbing, as he held your other hand. It's as if he could fall asleep. You didn't have any relation towards him, just feelings, and here you were, playing with his hair as if he was your lover.
Soon, your moment was ruined, or interrupted by Haruo shouting out your name.
" Y/N!Y/N!"
Muzan quickly got up, putting back his fedora as the kid ran towards him.
"Nee-san, there you are!"
You got up, brushing yourself as you walked towards him.
" I'm sorry, we were going to go get something to eat and we forgot about you!" Haruo apologized.
" Its alright," you chuckled.
Muzan was rather displeased that the moment was interrupted, but since his stress had been relived, he didn't feel like ripping the boy into two.
" Come on Nee-san, lets go home then, goodbye mister!" Haruo said, grabbing your hand and waving at Muzan.
Muzan waved back, and watched as the two of you walked away, soon disappearing.
He pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing. What a lady you were. When was he going to get another taste of your blood? Who knew, since he was so attached to you now.
You sat on your bed, unable to sleep. Now that you realized what you had done, you couldn't stop thinking of what happened. The feeling of his soft, curly hair, his cold but warm hands, it all lingered on your hand as you felt warmth growing up in your cheeks.
You put your hands together and closed your eyes, wishing you could just see him.
But that would be impossible.
You sighed, tossing to the other side of your futon.
" She has the scent, I swear, its everywhere and its driving me insane..!"

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