Things Turned For The Worse

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Haruo stared endlessly into his friends decapitated head that laid emotionlessly in front of him. Why haven't you killed him yet? He was just standing, you could do it, but your body didn't dare to give him anything more than a broken arm.

" I am going to give you one more chance Haruo, Im right in front of you, you can still fight right?" You panted.
He looked at you with tears dripping down his cheeks, not for his friend but for the fact that you both wont be able to ever live normally ever again.

" Please Nee-San, just kill me already, I don't want to live with the fact that the main reason I became a demon slayer is in vain now," He muttered walking towards you with his sword dragging on the floor, barely being grasped by his broken arm.

" I'm sorry but I can't bring myself to it!" You yelled, looking dreadfully at your exhausted 'brother'.
"Fine, I'll do it myself then," He spoke.

 slowly lifting his sword up to his neck, he looked down, not wanting to face you.
"Haruo No!" You shouted, and just before you could jump to him, something dropped on the floor.
Two syringes.
Haruo stopped for a moment and looked up to find a crow flying around.
"The cure has been found! Caw Caw! Its the cure and the medicine to stop cell regeneration," It squawked, flying into another broken hole to help other demon slayers.

You both looked at the two clear liquids in the syringe.
"Wait Mister crow! Which one is the cure?!" Haruo yelled chasing after the thing which had already disappeared.
"Shit," He mumbled.
You grabbed the two syringes, giving them a sniff.
As if you could tell the difference.

Haruo grabbed them, trying to tell which one was the cure.
"Finally," He mumbled as tears once again dripped down.
"Your still a crybaby aren't you," You chuckled in between your tired breaths.

"I can turn you back to normal, thank god!" He yelled hugging you tightly.
You hugged him back, soon letting go to find out which was the cure.

Before you both could even discuss it,  a boy came out of nowhere and chopped off your arm.
You pushed Haruo away as your arm regenerated.
Haruo pushed the syringes into his pocket and looked at a demon slayer who came out of nowhere.
"Tch, why does someone always have to interrupt us," You muttered. 

"Haruo what the hell were you doing talking to that thing so casually?!" He yelled.

"No! A crow came and dropped a cure for her! so I was gonna give it to her," Haruo shot back.

"Well its no use! This things eaten a lot of people, I cant tell, your just giving it an extra life to bring havoc to this world," He replied back.

"No don't! Please give her a chance! she's my-" 
" So you have become a softie for this thing? Fine, I'll finish her off myself!"
The man ran towards you, except he was a lot more faster.
"Shit-" You spoke, almost getting a scrape on your neck.

This guy, is experienced isn't he?
You both kept at it for a while until you saw Haruo take out a syringe and signaled you to quickly grab it.

You ran towards him, letting him inject the liquid quickly into your arm.
" How did you find out which one was which?!" You yelled fighting off the other man.

"I don't know! I just threw one at you because I assumed-"
The dude quickly threw his sword at your arm.
you pried it off because you could turn human any time now.
Or so you thought.
You were still a demon, but how come-
how come your wound was not healing?

"Oh no, don't tell me I-" Haruo gasped.
" You used the wrong one dumbass!" The demon slayer yelled smirking.
"Besides, its useless! Now I can still kill her!" He added still slashing at you while you dogged in pain, trying to stop the bleeding from your arm.

It was soon growing to you that you became tired. Not only did you eat only one or two humans, but your regeneration has stopped, it's almost like you had turned back into a human.

Haruo couldn't just stand there anymore.
He couldn't.

You were one of his closes humans. Even closer than his own parents. He can't let you die like this.
He's finished absorbing Tamayo.
And the demon slayers didn't listen to Kiriya Ubuyashiki.

Muzan has already come out of his shell, with a new form.
"I got y-"
"Foolish boy," Muzan muttered as the demon slayer that ran near him tore into bits and chunks.

By every second, the careless demons layers were beheaded, stepped on and ripped apart. All because they didn't listen to Kiriya.
"Now, Where's Y/N..." He muttered.
His first thought and goal was to find you, so he contacted Nakime.
"Search for her, now," He commanded as she nodded, sending an eyeball to crawl through the area, meanwhile pushing walls towards Obanai and Mitsuri.
They both were stuck with the one eyed demon as she strung her biwa several times.

"Obanai quick!" Mitsuri yelled as he dashed towards her, avoiding a wall slamming against him.
The battle between all the groups was tough, and even though Doma and Akaza have been defeated, Kokushibo and Nakime were still alive, and so was Muzan.

The battle wasn't over.
You panted as you thought you were gonna be beheaded anytime soon.
You took a glance at Haruo who was definetly planning  something as you could see the look of a predator's eye.

He took out his sword and crept behind the other demon slayer as the demon slayer smirked.
"Looks that you have finally come to your senses, now help me behead this thing-"
It was just, and that was enough for Haruo to stab his acquaintance with his sword, right through his heart.
" She has a name," 

The demon slayer coughed out blood as he kneeled onto the floor, Haruo's sword stuck in between his chest, blocking any blood from leaking out.
"Wha-, what did you-" He grunted as he weakly looked behind him.

Haruo looked down on him with eyes of a snake, you could almost see an aura of a bloody hue surrounding him.
"I'm sorry, but the only reason I became a demon slayer was to search for my sister. Now that I found her, I don't care for the punishment I may receive from Master Kiriya." He spoke as he held onto the sword, threatening a stance that warned the other boy.
'You move and I slip your life support out'

"Haruo.." You muttered as you walked towards him, holding your bleeding arm.

"She is not even your real sister," He smirked as the sword twisted in his heart. 
He shouted in pain as he grabbed the sword tightly, not caring about the cuts on his palm.

" Shut your trap! Does that mean I can't care about her?!" He yelled angrily because of the insult.

"Haruo that's enough, just leave him," You spoke as you rested your hand on his shoulder.
Suddenly a voice squawked in the air.
"He has awoken! Muzan has awoken!" A crow with a broken foot flew past and suddenly dropped to the floor.
"Poor thing, it was already on the verge of death," You spoke as you crouched down, looking at the bruises and wounds all over it.

And suddenly it hit you.
Muzan has... awoken? Awoken from what?!
You stood up and looked at Haruo with the same expression as his. Confusion and shock.
"What did the crow mean by he has awaken-" Haruo muttered as you grabbed his hand.

"I don't know, but lets go search for him!" You replied. 
However Haruo had other plans.
Slapping your hand away, he pulled out the sword from his 'friends' heart as he crouched onto the floor, placing his hands onto his chest, groaning in pain.
These were the friends that he had worked with for so long, the ones he shared memories of battle and fun with. He kills them so easily.
What happened to the Haruo that you knew?

You both changed a lot.

"Haruo what-"
" Nee-chan please! Enough of him! I have gone through so much just you take you away from him! We are not meeting up with him again!" He yelled.
" B-but Haruo, why?!" You shot back, confused.

" Didn't you forget? I am a demon slayer, well not for long, but still! He is the worlds entire enemy, including mine! He's the reason for all of this!" Haruo answered as he grabbed his sword and backed away.

You knew he was right, and if he you had never met him then you would have never gotten yourself into all of this mess.
But you had already fallen deep into this mess, you want to stay in this mess, as long as it was with Muzan. The promise you made has been broken already.

But you don't want to leave the only 'family' you had gotten once again. You lost everyone already, and met so many people from other villages, wouldn't it be better if you just went back to that simple village life?
Your head hurt from all the thoughts and choices.

"Nee-chan, it's either us, or Muzan,".

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