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(2nd person pov)
(May contain spelling errors)
Days passed as Muzan had completely forgot about your escape once the door was fixed.
Of course, you felt relieved that nothing bad was going to happen, but that didn't mean that you weren't out of danger yet.

And that's when you started to have dry coughs, a soar throat, and soon the  flue. Except, the flue was rather tough on your body. At first, Muzan didn't realize it whenever he visited, but after noticing how the demons that were looking after you had anxious faces, bringing you different medicines and towels, he knew that he was wrong.

So, he decided to see how ill you really were.

" Here, just stay on the bed and I'll get you some to eat,"  One of the demons said as they got up, running to the door. 
It opened to find Muzan standing outside.
"H-hello Muzan-Sama! Excuse me!" 

The demon rushed past the lord as he walked inside, glancing at you. You looked at him as his figure walked into the candle- lit room.

"Oh.. Its just you," You muttered.
"What? Am I not allowed to see you..?" He asked, sitting down on the bed.

Your face was slightly red as your forehead was covered with a towel. Your entire body was wrapped around your comfortable bedsheets. 
" So how did this happen?" He asked, still keeping eye contact with you.

" I don't know.. I just suddenly started to feel ill,"
It had been a few weeks since you had been in broad daylight so that could also be a problem.
Muzan nodded, sighing as he got up, walking closer to you.

" I'll see what I can do, for the meantime try your best to stay in the bed most of the time," He said, taking off the towel to check how hot you really were.
Yes, it was rather warm.

He put back the towel on your head, walking away as he closed the door.

Once again, you could just escape, despite your weak body, but you didn't want to get in trouble any more. As the days passed, you just sat there, not getting better or getting worse as the demons tried to help you, giving you different kinds of medicines that had no effect on you. 
You though that Muzan would come to see you again, but he never did, in fact, you hadn't heard him all those days, as if he was never coming back.

But it reality, he was trying to find something that could cure you. Sure you frightened of him and you somewhat despised him now, he still loved you. He won't let you die that easily. After all, he's the 'perfect' being. Maybe he should see you again to see how your doing.
" Feeling better at least 5 percent?" Muzan asked as he checked your forehead.
Sure it was just a bit less warm, but it was barely noticeable.
You didn't reply, sitting up as you took the bowl of soup from the table.
Luckily it wasn't too hot to burn your tongue.
Muzan looked at you as you drank the soup quietly, looking down.

" Hey, talk to me, I came to see you for a reason," Muzan spoke as he came closer, lifting your chin up to meet his gaze as if you could even see it.
" Well then what am I supposed to say? Its nice to see you again? Its not the same as before Muzan, now that I know who you really are I can't think of you the same as before...", You replied, taking his hand off your chin.

His face dropped as he was disappointed by what you said. He clearly was trying to lighten up the mood, just for you to ruin it. But you couldn't help it! How could you just act like nothing happened after how close you were, and then how his true nature was?

Muzan took the soup bowl out of your hands, putting them onto the table. 
Before you could even say anything, Muzan quickly sat next to you, hugging you close.

" Remember this..?" He asked as thoughts started to fill your mind.
So long ago, before you met Haru, when Muzan and you were in the old house.

Yes you did, you did remember.
Without you knowing, your hands went onto his chest, covering yourself with his body as if it was all you needed to get better.

" We sat like this, in that house while it rained outside. I even gave you my coat to keep yourself warm, but you still wanted me to keep you close," He hummed, stroking your hair.
It felt nice.
It was as if you had forgotten about all the tension earlier. You like this moment.
Despite it being wrong, despite that you hated him, this was all you needed. Your hatred for him could wait, you just wanted this moment to last forever.

" It was nice wasn't it..." You muttered, closing your eyes.
Muzan hummed a yes as he leaned on your head. It was quiet and peaceful, calming and wonderful.
" Did you.. Fall for me that long ago..." You asked, opening your eyes.
" Not exactly, but I did feel something," Muzan replied quickly.
He hadn't even planned that out, it was all out of his control. The way he felt right now was completely different than the day you tried to escape. 
He didn't know which one to pick either. The lusty way, at how he could control you however he wanted, making you obey him, or the peaceful way, the way how you both could equally be happy with what you wanted. 

He was happy with the lusty way, but seeing you this calm and smiling, he re-thought about it. How could he destroy your happiness twice? He'd done it once and now that he received it again, he felt regretful about everything that happened earlier.

'Maybe this is fine... I like this...' He though to himself.

It didn't matter if any demon walked in on you two. Even if they thought weak of Muzan, its not like he'd let them survive.
As your eyelids started to feel heavy, you nuzzled near Muzan more, closing your eyes.
" I'm tired.." You muttered.
" Then sleep, I won't leave until you wake up," He said, getting more comfortable on the bed as you lied on his chest, your arms that were wrapped around him slowly falling to the bed as you fell into a deep sleep.

Muzan sat there, closing his eyes as if trying to sleep as well.

" We found some clues..."
" R-really?! What are they!?" He asked the demon slayer as they opened a scroll, showing contents of some things they found out about.

" N-nee-san is...."
Ahah, my exams have arrived and after that I'll have 2 months holidays.
But, then I'll be having physical school after and I swear my memory is gonna die off. Remembering things like scientific names are so hard bro-

Anyways, the next chapter will come in a week, perhaps next Tuesday.

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