One and only savior

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(2nd person pov)
(Contains mentions of rape, maybe spelling errors)

You woke up in the morning to loud shouting. You were still sleepy and could you had eye bags, but now that you had woken up, it was going to be had to go back to your slumber.
You yawned, checking to see if Haruo was awake or not.
He wasn't on his futon, which meant he was awake.
You got up stretching your arms, heading to the bathroom.
Once you got ready and changed, you found your way to where the continuous  shouting was coming from.
" Hey what's going on?" You asked as they turned their attention towards you.
" Oh, sorry Nee-san, did we wake you up?" Haruo asked as he dropped a pillow he was holding.
" And who's that?" a raspy-like voice shouted.
" Inosuke! It's still morning, calm down!" Tanjiro shushed him.
So his name is Inosuke.
" Uhm, I'm (Y/N)!" you greeted to the boy named Inosuke.
" And I'm Inosuke!" He shouted again.
This guy doesn't know how to be quiet doesn't he?
You waved off to Tanjiro and his friends as they left the household.
" Take care!" you said as their footsteps became silent.
You went back inside the household, going to your room.
" (Y/N), The old lady is calling you!" You heard Haruo yell from the hallway.
" Coming!
You got up, making your way to where the old lady was.
" What is it Ma'am?" you asked as you heard her get up from her seat.
" I have a favor, would you mind going to the near market with your brother to get some things for me? I have a list, Haruo can read it for you" she asked as she walked to you, handing you a small piece of paper in your hands.
" Of course,".
You called Haruo and walked out of the household with his help.
As you heard the crowd of the market getting closer, you gave the list to Haruo for him to read it.
" Alright, the first thing it says is beans," Haruo read out as he led you to the are where the beans were.
It took a while to find all the items the lady had asked, but you managed to find them before the sun set.
You and Haruo walked back to the house and gave the items to her. But since Haruo was still a young boy, so he needed to play, but there was no one.
" (Y/N) Nee-san, could we go out for some time? I know its going to be late but I wan't to make some friends," he asked as he tugged your Kimono sleeve.
" I guess it won't harm anyone," you replied and walked out with him.
" I'm right here!"
Haruo had found a few boys who were the same age as him, and you sat down on a bench, watching, well not watching, but looking after him as he played ball with them.
If only you had that sort of childhood. One with friends to play with, to talk with, to make jokes with, you were already a young adult, being friends and acting like a child would be stupid.
You sighed deeply, slumping on the bench as you heard Haruo walk towards you.
The entire place went silent, the footsteps of his friends stood still as his ones groggily walked towards you.
" Nee-san, lets go home now," Haruo said as he grabbed your wrist.
" Hm? Already?" you asked, puzzled by his behaviour.
" Quickly, we have to go," He whispered as you heard his friends run away as they mumbled to each other.
" What's happening?"
Haruo didn't say anything, but instead held your hand tightly and pulled you.
What you didn't feel was that a strange figure was behind you while you were sitting on the bench, apparently, Haruo had seen it and knew it was a bad idea to stay any longer.
It was already night time, which you didn't notice until you started feeling eerie from the surroundings.
The path that you would usually take to the old ladies house was now dim, with a few trees surrounding the walk path.
But that wasn't the reason why it felt unsafe. The problem was that you could feeling a ton of eyes, staring, and following where you were going.
You gulped, pulling Haruo a bit closer to you as you continued to walk with him.
Just a few minutes later, you heard a few loud footsteps running towards you both.
" Haruo follow me!" you whispered, pulling him into a few trees and running far from it. You didn't care if you got lost, it's much better than being kidnaped or killed.
" Who the hell were they-"
Haruo held onto your kimono tightly as he looked at the surroundings.
You couldn't see what he was seeing.
There was blood, splattered everywhere, on the ground, on the trees. Pieces of human bones were here and there and ripped clothes. the night sky just made it even worse. 
" We need to get out of here.." Haruo whispered as his voice cracked with fear.
You were confused, but trusted your gut feeling and deciding to slowly move from this place.
" You fell right into my trap.."
A low raspy voice cackled right behind your ear.
You gasped, feeling him lift you up.
" Nee-san!" Haruo yelled as the person that was holding you grinned widely.
"Man you sure are pretty, I'll have my fun with you!" He cackled loudly as he ran off with you.
The speed was insanely fast, you could hear Haruo's yelling voice disappear in seconds.
" L-let go!" you stuttered, trying to pry yourself off by scratching and trying to hit him.
" Oi! Be still!" he yelled as his hands tightened around your waist.
Pretty soon, you were dropped down gently onto grass as you felt the person go on top of you. You backed away, pushing the man off you.
" You can try escaping, but I'll find you easily with that weak body you have. I'm going to die soon and the last thing I want before he gets me is to pleasure myself, so be a good girl and stay still!"
Suddenly, the kimono you were wearing ripped off. The wind brushing against your bare skin, as the only pieces of clothing you had were your underwear.
You knew exactly what was gonna happen, and you didn't like it.
He quickly grabbed your panties, trying to pull them off, but you quickly slid them back on, kicking him in the face.
" Get off me you fuck head!" you yelled, struggling.
You felt yourself yank onto the back of the grass, the ground hitting your back.
Just as you were about to get up, the guy tightly held you hands together, his legs locking yours.
your were in a vulnerable state right now, and you couldn't do anything about it. this man was insanely strong, he must be a demon.
" Hah, try getting out now," he smirked as you felt him slowly slid his hands inside your pants.
You shut you eyes, waiting for it to happen, since you couldn't so anything about it, you just had to bear it and hope he wouldn't kill you after this.
" And who gave you permission to interrupt my walk?" A low voice asked from a few meters away from you.
" And who the fuck are you-"
The man turned around and gasped, slowly letting go of you and getting off you. He went in front of the other man and lowered down.
" Explain, now"
You quickly backed away, covering yourself and pulling your kneed up to your chest.
" S-sir, I was.. I-I,"
The demon stuttered and you soon heard the head of it explode and fall down. 
" I see we meet again.." 
It was Muzan, the one man who were not willing to see yet. he came closer to you. You gulped, backing away as he came closer to you.
" Do you really think I'd do something to you..?" he asked.
He soon took off his coat and slid it on your shoulders.
" Well then, I'll be off then," he spoke, getting up and walking away.
" W-wait!" you stopped him.
He turned around to you and raised an eyebrow.
" C-can you please, take me back to Haruo...?"
You were a bit embarrassed to ask him this, especially since you were half naked, and you were still doubtful of him, but you didn't want Haruo to be alone.
" And how do you expect me to find him?" he asked, wiping off the blood on his face from the demon that he exploded.
" He.. should be near here I guess... It the same boy from last time," you muttered, getting up and adjusting the suit he gave you properly.
It covered the top of your body, which was enough for you.
You heard him coming towards you as he picked you up, holding you bridal style.
Without warning, he started running fast, very fast.
You couldn't help but grip onto him, hiding your face in his chest. He was only doing this to regain your trust, and soon you would be under him, but for some reason, the electric-like shock that passed through him at that moment confused him, giving off a weird sensation. He felt.. Comfortable? 
The rough wind brushed against you as you tightened your hold onto him, giving him the exact shock he felt earlier.
Soon you heard Haruo's concerned voice as Muzan put you onto the ground.
" Nee-san! What happened to your clothes?!" 
" N-nothing, It just, got ripped," you stuttered, patting his head as he rushed towards you.
" Well then, I suppose I'll take my leave here," Muzan said as he turned away.
" Wait,"
" What is it now?" he asked, irritated by your sudden callings.
" I just.. Thank you, I probably would have had a hard time if you weren't around there.." you muttered, smiling gently at him.
His dead and neutral face expression suddenly softened to your smile.
" Whatever," 
He soon walked away, and right after that, you heard the old lady run towards you.
" Dear god where were you both?! And what happened to you (Y/n)?!" 
She held your hands together, rather concerned about your state.
" Don't worry about it, I'm fine, really," you assured her.
" Lets get back now, I should have never let you go out at this time," 
You laid on your futon, staring at nothing.
Haruo was fast asleep as you heard his soft snores. The room was quiet, lit by only the little moonlight that came through the window.
You sighed, feeling relieved that Muzan was even there in the first place. Either him, or demon slayers were the only ones who could have saved you from that incident.
" Thank you Muzan.."

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