2;; Behave

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Hey sweets , how are you?

I'm melting here, the weather is so hot

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Song recommendation > Ego- Willy Williams

Song recommendation > Ego- Willy Williams

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No One's Pov.

"Taehyung, please." The male pleaded, looking at his best friend slash prince with worried eyes, a concerned look taking over his face.

"I said I'm fine." the prince said, earning another sigh from Jimin.

They were now in Taehyung's room, the pretty prince laying on the bed while his personal servant slash best friend is sitting next to him, begging him to go eat .

"Her Majesty will be upset again if you didn't show up." Jimin said,hoping this will change the prince's mind.

The dark haired male rolled his eyes, "I said I don't want to eat, is this hard to understand?"

"Well at least accompany them during dinner, you don't have to eat." Jimin paused , thinking a bit. "Well that's gonna be a little disrespectful if you ask me." he mumbled.

The young prince remained silent, suddenly sitting up and facing his best friend who looked at him with hopeful eyes.

"No." Damn his voice suddenly deepened.

'Mission failed' Jimin sighed, standing up and fixing his uniform and glanced at Taehyung who was looking at him with confused doe eyes.

"Are you leaving?" He asked, earning a nod from Jimin.

"Why?" He asked again, seeing Jimin shrug.

Of course he didn't like the silent treatment the older was giving him, it made him feel somehow lonely, but we'll talk about this topic later.

"Answer me properly."

Taehyung doesn't like commending Jimin around , but sometimes he has to, in hope to get answers and show that he's controlling stuff here.

He heard the orange haired male sigh and look at him with a frown.

"I'm going to inform His and Her Majesty that you're not gonna be present , so they won't get worried." He stated.

"Is that necessary?" The prince asked, crossing his arms .


"Shut up Jimin, these days you've only been pointing out my mistakes , that's something I don't like." He paused. "If I don't wanna eat, then be it, if I don't wanna see my parents, then respect that."

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