44;; Slam

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Btw, back then they don't know the gender of the baby before its birth- I guess
Important chapter :))

Song recommendation - Chandelier- Sia

꧁꧂Song recommendation - Chandelier- Sia

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No One's Pov.

[ 4 months later]

Nothing really changed in the past few months, Taehyung's belly got bigger, it had been obvious for everyone in the kingdom that their king is pregnant now, since he doesn't really wear oversized clothes and he has been wandering around with his husband, visiting several shops and libraries .

Some of them were shocked and confused, couldn't process the idea of a male being pregnant, but later on they learned to accept that everything is possible at some point.

Some were dying to see the baby, feeling happiness inside them at the thought of a cute little prince or princess.

And some minding their own business.

"Ggukie we didn't check this one!" Taehyung exclaimed , pointing at a small library which was decorated with white roses .

"Prince we already bought more than ten books how about we finish them first—" Jeongguk tried to finish his sentence but got cut off by a slap on his arm.

"No I want another book." Taehyung crossed his arms, making husband sigh.


"Just one more book ggukie— please." Taehyung gave him those adorable puppy eyes and pink-ish pout, which was one of his greatest weaknesses.

"Okay- okay fine, just one more book." Jeongguk said sternly , lifting one finger up in front of Taehyung's eyes who nodded .



"Promise !"

[few moments later]

"They didn't lie when they said promises are meant to be broken." Jeongguk kept talking to himself and scolding himself for giving on and not being able to resist Taehyung's cuteness.

That's how they ended up buying six more books.

"I'm sorry Ggukie but I couldn't resist those." Taehyung spoke, actually not feeling a bit sorry, it was obvious to Jeongguk who rolled his eyes.

"You're getting too needy for everything these days." He mumbled to himself, but the younger male heard him and spoke up.

"Got a problem?"

"Y- not at all baby."


"Look- what I know is that the dish has to contain lemons, tomatoes and cherries, got it?" Jeongguk tried to explain to the chef who looked at him in confusion.

"My apologies sir , but what am I exactly supposed to cook?" The chiefs asked, making Jeongguk groan.

"Just do something , please." He clasped his hands together and looked at the chief with pleading eyes who just stood there shocked.

Well that's unusual, not with King Jeon though.

"I'll see what I can do." The chief said before bowing and heading to the kitchen, making Jeongguk like a weight have been lifted off his shoulders.

He loves Taehyung and his unborn child with all of his heart, he'll do anything for him even if it's weird, even if he wants to or doesn't want to do it.

As he made his way back to Taehyung's- Their chamber, since Taehyung is attached to his room so Jeongguk sleeps there with him, it's considered as their chamber, even if it's considered "small" for a royal couple.

Jeongguk has another chamber to place his clothes and other stuff in there.


He heard fast footsteps and looking behind him to see a maid running with some stuff in her hands he didn't have a clue about.

Just as he was about to stop her she stopped by herself and bowed.

"My apologies your majesty it's urgent." She said in a hurry before running again, leaving a confused Jeongguk.

He shrugged and went inside the chamber, a smile on his face as he saw Taehyung in front of his desk, a book in his hand while his other hand was holding a paint brush.

He took slow and silent steps towards the male, and once he was directly behind him—


"I knew you were here." Taehyung said, unbothered and focused on whatever he's doing, while the older pouted.


"You're not the calm type."

"Okay fine— i ordered your food."

"Thanks Ggukie."

"What are you doing because you didn't spare me a glance yet?"

Taehyung finally turned towards him, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm doing something important, do you know how hard it is to draw a character based on some descriptions on the book, yet from your imagination?"

"I actually don't know—" Jeongguk got cut off by the chamber doors being slammed open.

What if they were doing something no one should see? Like hello knock first?

He wasn't surprised to see it was one of the butlers .

" what is this? Don't you know how to knock?" Taehyung asked, leaving whatever is in his hand and setting them on the desk and putting his hands on his hips, glaring at the guy who was about to speak.

"I'm really sorry your majesty but—"

"You think it's that simple—"


The husbands looked at each other with wide eyes then at the butler, confusion filling their faces.

The butler inhaled and exhaled deeply, before looking at Taehyung.

"It's your mother."

840+ words




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