36;; Long Way.

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Short chapter!
next chapter is the big thing

Song recommendation - Night changes - One direction

꧁꧂Song recommendation - Night changes - One direction

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No One's Pov.

"Tae?" A voice called, its owner looking all around the chamber to see if there's any sign of the prince being present here.

"Yoon hyung?" Taehyung's voice was heard from the direction of the bed,it was slightly weak, making the cat eyed boy slightly confused. "Why are you hiding there, Tae?" He asked .

A huffing sound was heard from the younger as he pulled the blankets off him, now his messy hair, tear-stained cheeks and pouty lips were seen, immediately earning the concern of Yoongi who walked towards the bed and sat beside the— he assumed upset male on the mattress.

"Come on bub, tell hyung what happened." Yoongi spoke in a soft tone as he caressed Taehyung's back , trying not to make the other male more irritated or uncomfortable .

He's not really used to see an upset Taehyung in front of him, except when the younger gets a depressing time every now and then for no reason, but now is a different situation.

He wasn't here for the past months, and when he came back he was surprised by a lot of changes, pirates, marriage, the expected death of the Queen. It wasn't too much to take in but thinking about everything is stressful, he also can't help but feel bad for Taehyung who's oblivious about his mother's health.

He pushed his thoughts aside for now and focused on the male who was looking at him with teary eyes, letting out small sniffles now and then.

"I'm nervous." Taehyung spoke.

"Nervous? Can I know why ?"

The younger let out a sigh. "we discussed everything about me and Gguk's marriage." He said,his pretty fingers tracing unknown figures on the blanket, probably to lessen his stress, it's entertaining if you tried it.

"Oh, and what about it?"

Taehyung shook his head and let out a shaky breathe. "It's next week."

Yoongi sent him a nod, not really understanding why the male in front of him now seems like he's about to have a breakdown, but he decided to listen to the end.

"I don't really have a problem with that, aside from nervous , I'm also excited, but we have a small problem." Taehyung said, and waited few seconds before chuckling. "It's a pretty big one actually."

"If you don't mind telling me, what is it?" The older prince carefully asked, hoping he isn't considered a curious person at the moment .

"It's Jeongguk, he's trapped because of me." a tear trailed down Taehyung's cheek as he spoke.

"He told me how much he's gonna lose if he married me, also how much he will lose if he left, he had a really hard time the past few days, it's all because me of me." The tear was soon followed by several other's, falling down his bread cheeks.

"I don't deserve him." He sniffled. "I'm forbidding him from living a free life— yet he chose me! why did he have to love me?" Taehyung covered his mouth and let out a sob.


"I tried convincing dad to let me rule by myself because Jeongguk doesn't know anything about the kingdom, but he refused."


"Why was I even born—"

"TAE!" Yoongi yelled, making the younger male look at him wide eyes, confused by the outburst.

"You went a bit dramatic at the end— but we'll ignore that, so thing is , that you feel like you trapped Jeongguk in here?" He asked, earning a nod from Taehyung, who was wiping his tears .

"He had a choice at the end Tae, you didn't force him, did you?"

Taehyung shook his head, never.

"He chose to stay with you, he found himself more happy here or maybe he wants to change his lifestyle, everyone have a good reason for whatever decision they make." Yoongi said, ruffling Taehyung's hair, who pouted in return.

"But he seemed so sad." He mumbled, fiddling with the necklace around his neck.

Yoongi smiled warmly at the male. "Tae, if you chose to leave this place one day, you'll be sad right?"

Taehyung nodded.

"But it was your decision, it's natural to feel upset after leaving a place or someone, but the feeling will disappear soon if the new place made you happy."

Taehyung nodded again, tucking a strand of his hair behind his ear and sending the older male a smile. "Thanks hyung, I'm sorry for my dramatic self."

Yoongi let out a laugh. "It's nothing bub, I know I'm not that much older than you, but I can tell you still have a lot to learn, and a long way to go."

The prince revealed his boxy smile and huffed the male tightly. "Thanks hyungie!"

The cat eyed male hugged back, looking at the window beside Taehyung's bed.

"It feels like you were just a little boy last night, now you're getting married."

850+ words

Hi! How are you? I'm gonna post the next chapter soon, plz read it since it's like— 2nd most important chapter of the book.

(Stream Permission to dance)


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