32;; Déjà vu

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Warning : Violence/blood/flashbacks

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Song recommendation - Film Out- BTS

꧁꧂Song recommendation - Film Out- BTS

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No One's Pov.

[Same day-Night time]

Jeongguk was walking around the shops, exploring here and there before making his way to the castle to spend the night with Taehyung. You can see that his eyes have been red hand his cheeks a little puffy, but his long hair did a good job hiding those.

Let's explain it, later after his talk with Namjoon, the pirate Locked himself in his father's room, looking at his and his REAL mother's pictures, imagining a conversation with them, begging them for help in his decisions.

He was beyond frustrated and worked up, his mind going back and forth, imagining the look on his crews' faces if he told them he'll leave them, also imagining Taehyung's heartbroken expression if he told him he can't stay.

'It's hard, I'm fucking tired.' Jeongguk thought, even if he wanted to scream it out loud, he can't.

He continued walking, hands folded behind his back, smiling at few kids who were running around and passed by him.

His mind suddenly thought about Minji, if she didn't agree with whatever decision he'll take, she can't be forced to be with him, they'll have to separate.

He can't let this happen, not when they just fixed their relationship, she didn't get the love she deserves, instead she got a cold shoulder and harsh behavior, he will never not beat himself up for this, before Taehyung, he never actually thought about her feelings, her childhood, and how she didn't do one single mistake to get hatred from her older brother.

Jeongguk bit his lip, feeling his eyes water at his past doings as he suddenly got a flashback.

(Trigger warning )

6 years old Minji was getting fed by Jin, also complimenting his cooking skills to which the male smiled fondly and thanked her.

They were having a small conversation about fishes, in Minji's opinion, before suddenly she was pulled on her feet harshly by the captain.

Seokjin stood up as well and took the girl to his side. "What did she do now, Jeongguk? Leave the poor girl alone!"

"It's not your business, Minji, come here." Jeongguk commanded , the little girl watched the two fight with her doe eyes, not understanding what's going on, but she was terrified.

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