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A chapter of feelings, enjoy!

Song recommendation- Scars to your beautiful- Alessia Cara

꧁꧂Song recommendation- Scars to your beautiful- Alessia Cara

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No One's Pov.

"Okay." She calmed herself down, looking around before making eye contact with the pirate.

" I have a heart disease called cardiomyopathy , I'm dying, only few months left."

Jeongguk blinked twice, trying to underwhat the woman just said, heart disease, dying, few months left.

oh no..

'And I'm supposed to hide this from Taehyung?' Jeongguk thought to himself, if it wasn't for the queen and Taehyung's own good , he would've said everything to the prince.

"w-what's card-cardyo—" he stuttered, finding it hard to pronounce or even remember the word but luckily the Queen helped him.

"Cardiomyopathy, it causes the heart's muscles to grow weak." She said, her voice sounded to quiet and sad, of course no one could blame her, she wanted to live, for her husband, for her kingdom, for her friends, and most importantly for Taehyung.

She swallowed the lump in her throat as her eyes began to water, shaky breathes leaving her lips.

The pirate seemed to notice that and immediately went to her side, patting her back in a soothing manner. "Your majesty, are you okay? Please calm down."

"I'm okay— I'm just-" she choked out a sob, tears escaping her sad eyes as she held onto her gown tightly. "I'll miss my baby— my little Taehyungie, so much."

"I-I just hope to see him married happily— and finally seeing the world outside."

Oh if Jeongguk becomes king this will be the first rule he'll throw the fuck away, but let's leave that for later.

The said male felt his eyes sting but he quickly blinked, it's not the time to cry now, nope.

He knelt down in front of the queen, before speaking. "Don't worry, your majesty, I-I'm gonna make sure you're gonna see your son the happiest man alive for a long time, and I will tell him to spend more time with you—"

"Oh no no no." She interrupted the male. "Please don't force him to, I-I know he will come by later."

Jeongguk shook his head. "I won't force him, I'll just remind him, now please go take a rest." He said, standing up on his legs again while the queen was wiping her tears.

"You're the best Jeon, I hope to have you as my son-in-law soon."

Jeongguk smiled warmly at her, his cheeks flushing a bright shade of red as he replied. "It would be an honor to have your majesty as my mother in law, as well."

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