13;; Dinner

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Your guy here doesn't know about side ships yet 💀

Long chapter! Enjoy *^*


Song recommendation > love scenario- Ikon
Any song- Zico

Song recommendation > love scenario- IkonAny song- Zico

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No One's Pov.

"So uhh, who wants to go?" Jeongguk asked as he turned towards his crew, few hands were raised while some others were looking nervous as heck, the rest uninterested.

"Wait— so you're telling us again that you will go to the castle, eat dinner with the royals, and spend bonding time with the king?" Hoseok asked, looking as confused as ever as Jeongguk just gave him a shrug.

"That's what these dudes told me." The pirate said, pointing at the seven guards standing behind him like statues, whom also had an offended look on their faces.


"I just know that they'll be disgusted when they see how you'll eat." Seokjin snickered, causing few others to laugh with him.

However, they shut up when Jeongguk gave them a glare which was soon replaced by a smirk.

"I have someone to help me, no worries." He paused before clapping his hands. "So who wants to go again?"

"I mean— I could save you there who knows." Jin said, flipping his imaginary long hair.

"Sorry not me." Hoseok raised his hands in surrender.

"I can go!" Namjoon exclaimed, earning disapproving looks from the crew.

"What?" He pouted, earning some 'never mind's from the rest of the pirates.

Jeongguk sighed and ran a hand through his long hair, signing for Namjoon and Seokjin to come towards his direction, in which the two complied.

He turned to the guards "can I bring a third person?" He asked, receiving hesitant nods.

'Who hired these?' The pirate though as he roamed his eyes around the ship, looking for a certain small body.

(Important one)

Jin? Namjoon?" He called, receiving some confused looks from the rest of his crew.


"Why are you looking at me like that? Call them for me!" He ordered , voice turning louder and his stern eyes landing on the girl who seemed to be shaking but nodded anyways.

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