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Hey sweets ✨✨I miss you

It's time for the story to really begin a bit yeah?👀

Plz comment and vote, makes me more confident of the story qwq


Song recommendation- Your eyes tell - BTS

꧁꧂Song recommendation- Your eyes tell - BTS

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No One's Pov.

"When will we leave this place?" Hoseok asked, glancing at the view of the kingdom from the ship then looking back at the long haired male, who gave him a confused look.

"This shouldn't concern you, Jung, it's up to me if we'll leave or not." Jeongguk said as he went back to sharpening his sword .

Hoseok stared at him wide-eyed and blinked. "First of all, why do you keep sharpening and cleaning your sword everyday if we're not gonna fight anyone?" he asked making Jeongguk smile as he saw his reflection on the sharp metal.

"Stop asking about what doesn't concern you, it's my sword, not yours."

Hoseok scoffed and put his hands up for surrender. "Chill captain." He paused before speaking again. "Okay and second, what to you mean leave or not? are we gonna live here or something?"

"No." Jeongguk chuckle, placing his sword in place and walking towards Hoseok , giving him a pat on the shoulder before leaving the cabin.

"I know what I'm doing, just be quiet and trust me."


The royal family were having their breakfast at the moment, with servants here and there , in case they need anything.

But something's missing, more like someone.

The Queen looked at Jimin sadly, making the boy let out a sigh and nod, turning on his heels and exiting the hall, making his way to a certain man's room.

Just as he arrived in front of the door, he raised his hand to knock.

Knock knock.

No response.

Knock knock knock.

No response .

Jimin mentally groaned and decided to wait for few minutes in front of the door, before knocking again.

"Taehyung? You're in here?" Jimin said, more like shouted.

"Huh? Oh hi Jiminie!" Here the door opened, revealing Taehyung with paint all over his clothes, arms and bread cheeks.

"What the— nevermind, why didn't you answer when I knocked? I've been calling you for the past seven minutes and fifteen seconds-"

Taehyung remained unbothered, staring at the orange haired male who kept scolding him like a parent.

"Are you done?" The prince asked, putting his hand on his hips as Jimin rubbed his temples.

"How about you spend time with your parents?"

The pretty male shook his head with a shy smile. "I'm busy."

Jimin stared at him confused. "Why are you smiling like that? Do you have someone in your room?!" Jimin yelled, making Taehyung panick and put his hand on his mouth and drag him inside the chamber, closing the door behind them.

"No! I'm just busy!" Taehyung whisper-yelled at Jimin who pulled the younger's hands away from him and adjusted his clothes.

"Your hands smell like paint."

"Well I said I was painting??"

"Okay let's leave this aside, her majesty wants to spend her time with you."

"Tell her I'm busy."

Jimin's expressions saddened. "Please Tae, she's your mother."

"Yeah I know that but chim I'm busy—"

"What are you so busy with huh?!" Jimin roamed his eyes around the room until his eyes landed on the desk which was covered with paint and papers everywhere.

He noticed Taehyung tensing so he slowly walked towards the desk, looking at the drawings which all seemed complete, and few sheets whom weren't touched by paint yet.

until his eyes landed on a painting which wasn't dry like the others, meaning it's recent.

As he observed the painting, he widened his eyes and looked at Taehyung.

"Is that Jeongguk."

"Captain Jeon." Taehyung corrected him. "He's not your friend so respect him."

Jimin mentally rolled his eyes. "Okay , my apologies." He mumbled.

"But why are you drawing his portrait?"

Taehyung smiled nervously . "Because I'm a fan of his facial features." He lied, and unfortunately Jimin knew it.

"You know better than hiding anything from me, what's going on?" Jimin asked , his voice stern .



"Fine, we're friends okay?" Taehyung huffed, looking away.

"As I remember, you only met him once?" Jimin stated , more like asked.

"No, we've been meeting each other often." the prince mumbled, his cheeks a cute shade of pink as he looked down.

Jimin stood silent for a moment, trying to process anything.

"Wait so you meet Jeong- I mean Captain Jeon? And you're friends? So you drew a portrait of him?"

"Uh-um something like that?"

Jimin looked back at the drawing and eyeing it suspiciously. "Did you study his face or something? Even the moles and details are here."

"Shut up!" Taehyung whined, jumping on the bed and hiding his face with his favorite pillow.

Jimin looked at Taehyung, seeing the boy so shy and happy, made his heart soften.

But there's not a bit of trust inside him for that pirate.

The orange haired male sighed. "Just be careful Tae, okay?"

870+ words

How are you??🥺

If I can update again today I'll probably do it after few hours, this chapter is important even though it doesn't contain taekook moments, it contains feelings and lots of hints.

Updates might increase, since this is getting exciting and also I wanna finish the book before next month.


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