19;;For Him

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important chapter! :3


Song recommendation- Love Maze - BTS

꧁꧂Song recommendation- Love Maze - BTS

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No One's Pov.

"May I have the permission to court your son?"


Jeongguk kept his head low, eagerly waiting for any of the royal's answer, and yes, he was afraid.

He was not trusted here, nor anywhere. The chance of any family accepting him, especially a royal family, is really really low.

He wasn't scared if the Queen or the King would yell at him or tell him to get the hell out.

He's scared to lose Taehyung.

"You are, Jeon Jeongguk, the pirate who have been in wars against many kingdoms , telling us that you have fallen for our son, and asking us for permission to court him?" The Queen spoke, her voice stern while she took a quick glance at her son, trying to read his facial expressions.

The male had his eyes staring at the pirate, probably thinking or trying to register what's happening, after all this is some kind of a sudden confession .

Jeongguk raised his head and sent a warm smile to Taehyung, to which the prince just looked away, fiddling with his fingers.

The pirate looked at the Queen, trying his best to keep his confidence.

"Your Majesty, i as a pirate did so many bad things that I can't apologize for,and cannot be easily forgiven , But I will respect your decision, I-" Jeongguk gulped as he felt his eyes burning with tears , but he kept them in, gripping his knees tightly.

"I highly expect to be rejected." He said , his heartbeat increasing second by second as he could feel Taehyung's stare .

"Did you even know that whoever Taehyung chooses, will rule over this kingdom with him?"The king asked.

Well, Jeongguk kinda expected for this to happen, it's not like he cares, he needs Taehyung by his side.

But he doesn't know how to be a king.

"No, I did not." He answered, seeing the king nod slowly.

"Then what are you going to do?" A voice spoke, making the pirate look at the source.


"I actually have no idea, but I can learn more, and do much better, and know this kingdom by heart if that's why it takes to have you with me." He spoke, staring right into Taehyung's eyes.

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