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Hii, how are you sweets? uwu

Important chapters ahead!


Song recommendation- Therefore I am - Billie Eilish

꧁꧂Song recommendation- Therefore I am - Billie Eilish

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No One's Pov.

"Are you sure, son?"The king asked, looking at Taehyung who had a small smile on his face.

"I'm sure dad."

"I hope you're not doing this so you can just get out of the castle, Captain Jeon has feelings you know—"

"Dad! I'm not like that !" Taehyung whisper-yelled, a pout on his lips as he crossed his arms.

The king chuckled."Okay okay sorry."

Taehyung's eyes diverted to his mom who was watching the two silently, a smile on her lips. 

"Hi mom." Taehyung mumbled, noticing his father leaving the room with an "excuse me."

You must be wondering were Jeongguk is? Well he's right now being toured, again, around the castle, few guards and maids around him, telling him some basics, you know just in case.

But we'll leave this for later, time for mother and son bonding time.

"Hi son, it's been a while?"The queen said, making Taehyung feel bad that he's been ignoring his mother, he's gonna try his best to spend his time with her when the pirate is not around.

"Yeah, sorry." Taehyung said as he looked down, fiddling with his fingers.

"It's okay, I know you had your reasons— by the way..." the mother trailed off, his eyes turning from smiley ones to concerned.

"Hm?" Taehyung looked at her, confusion filling his eyes, his mother isn't the type to seem so worried if the topic isn't serious.

"What?" The prince asked, seeing his mother sigh before clearing her throat.

"Does he know?" She asked, confusing Taehyung even more.

"Know what?"

"That you — can have children?"

"..." Taehyung went silent, no, no he didn't tell him. Heck, he even forgot about that himself.

What if Jeongguk will get disgusted? Feel weirded out? Doesn't want children? Everything is possible.

Taehyung bit his lip, negative thoughts filling his head as he tried to look anywhere but at his mother.


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