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Plz read the author's note __ at the end of the chapter


Song recommendation- Motive - Ariana Grande

꧁꧂Song recommendation- Motive - Ariana Grande

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No One's Pov.

[few days later]

knock knock


Knock knock

'I don't get paid enough for this' Jimin rolled his eyes, opening the prince's door and stepping inside the room, to find the male still snoring softly on his bed, the blankets somehow thrown on the floor.

He sighs, taking few steps towards their direction before picking them up and putting them at the end of the bed, once he was done he went to the window and opened the curtains, making the room finally light up a.

"Wake up Taehyung." Jimin said, softly shaking the male to wake up but like usual, we all know our pretty prince is a heavy sleeper and will not try to make Jimin's life easier.


"Wake up."

A whine escaped the prince's lips as he rolled to the other side and stuffed his face into the pillow He's hugging.

'where's Yoongi when you need him, well, few days left' Jimin thought, the other male was the only one who knows how to wake Taehyung up in a second, somehow.

Knock knock.

Jimin turned around, looking at the source of noise from the door,only to find two fingures standing there.

A big one and a small one.

Maybe you've guessed it, it's Jeongguk and Minji.

To say that the orange haired male isn't surprised would be an understatement, Jeongguk has been visiting a lot lately, both during day and night time, spending every minute with Taehyung while he can.

And today he brought his little sister with him, damn.

"May we come in?" Jeongguk asked, trying to look behind Jimin to see if the love of his life is awake yet or not.

"Taehyung didn't wake up yet, I request you to wait outside for a while." Jimin spoke, looking at Jeongguk with a serious face, he still didn't trust the pirate, and lots of thoughts and possibilities running through his head about what may happen if Jeongguk is alone with the prince while he's sleeping.

The servant for sure knew they have met a lot already, but poor him doesn't know that Jeongguk already spends an hour in the chamber after Taehyung goes in his deep slumber, admiring his beauty.

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