49;; The best

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Me while writing this chapter: 🤧🤧🤧🤧

Song recommendation - Outro : Wings - BTS

꧁꧂Song recommendation - Outro : Wings - BTS

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No One's Pov.


Jeongguk woke up startled, putting his hands over his chest as he looked around with wide eyes, only to see Jimin in front of him.

"What's with the shouting? For God's sake Jimin I was dreaming about Tae giving birth and I was panicking—"


"Oh my god I was so nervous you can't even imagine-"


"After all he's supposed to give birth like next week or something so maybe it's a sign—"

"Taehyung's water broke an hour ago! How about the fact that he really is giving birth now?!"Jimin exclaimed, pushing the blankets away from Jeongguk who looked at him confused.

"So, Taehyung's water broke?"


"An hour ago?"


"And he's giving birth right now."


"That's why there are lots of footstep sounds and many shouting?"


"You're his best friend aren't you supposed to be by his side?"

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Aren't you supposed to be his husband and stay by his side?"

"Yeah- shit wait- TAEHYUNG's GIVING BIRTH?" Jeongguk stood up in a hurry, putting on a robe before dashing out of the room, leaving a frustrated Jimin behind.

"Why me? Wait I have to be there too-"


"Excuse me— yes let me pass please- excuse me" Jeongguk tried to make his way through the crowd of servants and guards, who didn't notice him because they're focused on what's happening right now until-

"Let me pass!" He shouted, suddenly everyone looked at him and bowed, apologizing before getting out of his way.

He made his way to the doors and pushed the guard aside. "Not your time now you single man."

He pushed the doors open and closed them behind him immediately, before turning around and looking at his husband's state.

"I'm sorry I overslept-"

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