25;;his happiness

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Nice chapter :)

Enjoy :)

Song recommendation- On my way- Alan Walker

꧁꧂Song recommendation- On my way- Alan Walker

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No One's Pov.

"YOONGIIIIIII" Taehyung's voice boomed through almost the whole castle, earning the complete attention of the male who just made his way through the doors, who looked around and found a figure running towards him.

"TAE!" He called,smiling widely, opening his arms for the male who immediately jumped into them, both of them hugging each other tightly.

"I miss you!" Taehyung exclaimed, pulling out of the hug as he clung to Yoongi's arm and looked at him with puppy eyes.

"Why did you disappear for so long?"

"Just half a year Tae."

"Still!" Taehyung huffed, hugging the male's arm tigger who just smiled at the younger softly, his soft spot activated .

"Prince Min! Welcome back!" The king's voice was heard as Taehyung and Yoongi looked at him, he had the Queen by his side and Jeongguk too, who was throwing glares towards the cat-eyes male.

"Your majesty." Yoongi smiled before bowing, soon adjusting his posture back and greeted the queen and some other servants he knew, Including Jimin, and soon enough Taehyung let go of him.

And soon enough his eyes landed on Jeongguk who was already looking at him , gaze sharp.

"Hello— excuse me but can you introduce yourself?" Yoongi asked, feeling nervous under the male's gaze, plus it seems like he's not from here, judging from his clothes.

Just as Jeongguk was about to speak he got interrupted by the king . "That's Captain Jeon, the brave man who's courting my son."

Yoongi looked at the king before speaking. "Captain? Explains the ship I saw when I arrived." He paused before looking at Jeongguk . "I'm Min Yoongi, nice to meet you captain Jeon." He bowed, to which Jeongguk bowed back.

"Nice to meet you too, Prince Min."

"Take care of Taehyungie, okay?" Yoongi said, voice turning stern all of a sudden.

I mean— everyone wants to protect Taehyung, but to the Min Yoongi, it's much more than that.

"Will do with all my heart." Jeongguk answered, still not really liking the man or the way he talks about Taehyung as if he's his fiancé or something .

Jeongguk sweetie , the guy didn't say anything wrong, hush.

"Oh, I see you've met Ggukie!" Taehyung's voice was heard as they both looked at his direction.

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