40;; Blankets

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Woah ch. 40-
Warnings : uwu, mentions of mature scenes.
Song recommendation - Heartbeat - BTS

꧁꧂Song recommendation - Heartbeat - BTS

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No One's Pov.

[Next morning]

Jeongguk was the first to wake up, blinking his eyes several times to adjust to the sunlight coming through the windows, making the room shine.

After a minute or so staring at the ceiling, his eyes wandered around, recognizing his love's chamber and the mattress underneath his naked body .

He smiled dreamily at last night's events, how he and Taehyung were showing their love for each other, but physically this time.

How he covered Taehyung's tan skin with hickeys , kissed every inch of his body to make sure he feels loved and protected.

He handled him with care.

Also how Taehyung insisted on marking his body too, marking it as his own , and added super extra marks on the pirate's chest and abs, all while telling the older how much he (jk) means to him.

He remembers how Taehyung's eyes shined with tears of both pain and pleasure as the long haired male thrusted into him, slow but deep.

And his moans-

'damn' Jeongguk bit his lip as he remembered how Taehyung's moans were music to his ears, loud yet deep.

His second favorite music after the prince's laugh.

And he has no idea if anyone who was walking by heard them or no, but it doesn't matter as long as they know that the prince belongs to him, and he belongs to the prince.

His hand reached to stroke Taehyung's hair , who was laying on him, his cute cheek pressed against Jeongguk's chest, making Jeongguk coo at how adorable he looked right now.

He wrapped his arm around his back, keeping him close to his body, and putting the blankets over both of them properly, they weren't the main warmth but eh, they're needed.

He stayed like this for an hour or so, he doesn't know what time is it, and he doesn't care either since no one would dare to disturb them. He just later there and listened to Taehyung's soft snores, feeling their hearts beat against each other as they were laying chest to chest.

Soon enough he felt the prince's body move slightly.

"little prince?" He whispered, earning a yawn from Taehyung who stretched his arms wide open, hitting Jeongguk's face.

"Oh-!" Taehyung widened his eyes and looked up at Jeongguk who was pouting and rubbing his jaw.

"Sorry Ggukie— good morning?"Taehyung smiled sheepishly, hiding his face in the pirate's neck.

"You're lucky I love you." Jeongguk said before holding both of Taehyung's cheeks ,showering his hair and face with kisses.

Taehyung let out small giggles as he tried to escape but his attempt failed by Jeongguk's arm around his naked waist.

Ah- wait a second.


'Naked—' Taehyung's mind came into reality as his face flushed bright pink, trying to pry Jeongguk away, who was kissing his nape.


"You're so cute sshhh." The pirate continued nibbling on his neck, sending butterflies to Taehyung's tummy.

After few minutes of Taehyung's attempts to escape from Jeongguk's arms, the older finally and unwillingly let go of him, however he was amused by the flustered expression on his face.

Taehyung sat up and looked down shyly and held the blanket to hide his body.

"why are you hiding your beautiful body?" Jeongguk asked.

"I-it's embarrassing." Taehyung mumbled, making Jeongguk smirk.

"That's not what you said yesterday, you were begging me to—"

"Ah stop!" Taehyung exclaimed, hiding his whole self with the blanket, almost taking it off Jeongguk body.

"You enjoyed it—"

"Yes I did but you can't just say this outloud you shameless bunny!" Taehyung yelled, his voice muffled by the blankets.

Jeongguk laughed as he tried taking the blanket off the male, which was a hard task.

"Come on i wanna see your beautiful face~" Jeongguk whined.

"Stop teasing then!"

Jeongguk shrugged. "No promises."

Taehyung huffed and rolled around a bit until his upper body was finally out of the blanket, with Jeongguk, shamelessly, staring.

"Can you pull the blanket a bit down I wanna see-"

"You pervert." Taehyung mumbled, and instead of pulling the blanket down he pulled it higher, covering his waist.

"Your body is a piece of fine art don't blame me." Jeongguk whispered in Taehyung's ear, a hand going under the blanket and resting on the curve of his butt, before he leaned in and captured Taehyung's lips in a sweet kiss.

Taehyung kissed back, clutching the blankets tightly , his cheeks heating up as he felt Jeongguk caress his lower area.

After few seconds, he pulled away, Jeongguk trying to lean in for another kiss but Taehyung's palm came In the way.


"Your breath stinks-"

Jeongguk groaned. "Who cares."

Taehyung shook his head with a smile. "I don't, but I like to annoy you, Mister future king."

"That reminds me—You were calling me master yesterday, loved it." Jeongguk wiggled his eyebrows, receiving a glare form Taehyung.

"It fits the moment don't blame me."

The pirate chuckled. "Okay, your highness."

"Our coronation is next week can you believe this?" Taehyung asked, excitedly looking at Jeongguk who smiled at him.

"I have to admit, I'm nervous."

"I'm right by your side, Ggukie."

920+ words

Hii sweets! How are you?

Sorry for disappointing but I really didn't want to write smut, if you're only here for that you can kindly get out —
or just wait for "bad & classy".

I wrote this instead 🥺 it's much more precious for me.
Hope you understand🌸

Shall I rate this book "mature"?


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